Chapter 31

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Hope you all had a really great christmas and will have an epic new year XD


Dorian’s P.O.V.

When the sky had started to turn a more diluted inky blue I knew that the sun wouldn’t be far behind so I started to tidy away my breakfast.

I looked down at the homeless boy I had drained, it didn’t take long, maybe four minutes and his blood was tainted with so many toxins it was a wonder he was alive when I found him.

I sighed at the waste it was, he was young around twenty three if I had to hazard a guess just a child, so much life ahead of him and yet for one reason or another all that potential had dwindled and he’d ended up passed out on the wrong street corner at the wrong time.

It was disappointing that he came so easily to me, I preferred the hunt the chase; I never feel as sustained in my hunger if I don’t let the predator in me take over, I never feel as relieved of my thirst – not that I ever am but there is definitely a difference.

This boy didn’t look dissimilar from Jeremy actually except he was not as tall and not nearly as well nourished both physically and emotionally. 

I pulled his cold stiff body with ease along the concrete of the waste land I’d brought him to last night; tugging him by his hand much the same as an infant would drag a favourite stuffed animal.

When I found a good enough spot – somewhere that his burnt remains won’t draw too much attention to themselves, and poured a can of accelerant over him, I pulled out my silver lighter – surprisingly heavy, a gift from an old acquaintance I had met near on a century ago, probably closer to eighty years though – in Bulgaria, strange fellow, very sombre though most of us are, that or extremely violent, whatever we are it’s always very intense.

We are acutely sensitive beings compared to our human counter parts in both our senses and emotions and although the first is a great asset most of us would rather make do than have to deal with the latter as a package deal.  

I flicked the lighter top on it’s hinge and my thumb grazed down the edge enabling a bright orange flame to flicker to life. I squatted next to the body balancing on the balls of my feet and glided the flame along the length of his body making sure to catch his anorak coat which would work as good kindling for the fire.

I stepped back and put the lid back on my lighter and pocketed it again watching the flame consume the boy I had killed.

It felt wrong to burn him ironic even, given as it was fire that had nearly taken my life but this time like others since I had met Emma I did not feel envious of his easy demise but rather sorry. Sorry that he hadn’t lived out his life as well as one might hope to, sorry that he died in such an appalling way, to feed another and not even someone deserving – a parasite, treated like cattle in the eyes of an Alligator.  

So I did something that I’ve done a lot of lately and prayed, I bowed my head and clasped my hands in front of my abdomen and silently asked the Lord to hear my words however faint and faraway they must sound to him through the barrier of all my sins. I asked the boy be granted a peace he so clearly didn’t find here, that his next life may bring him a more fortunate situation than the one he had so recently left behind.

I prayed for my own forgiveness for taking the boy’s life and for the family that though were not present in his life before his departure but who must hold some sincere love in their hearts for him be placated with the fact that when their time comes they may be reunited again.

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