Chapter 25

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To thatsmybook for commenting when I really needed it thank you sooo much I always type it means a lot and this is the only way I can prove it, thank you also to laurenrulez who never fals to comment for me the next chapter is for you.


He leant in towards me and before I could do anything he kissed me making my slap to keep him away delayed so I effectively swatted him from my face like you would an annoying bug. My heart raced sending my treacherous pulse through the roof and I know he can hear it, but maybe he’ll think it quickened because I was angry hence the slap. I checked this theory by looking at his face and found not to any surprise that he was smirking either from kissing me or assuming that my pulse quickening was a result of being turned on.

It wasn’t because of either of those things it was because I’d been away from him so long that I’d gotten used to how much he overwhelmed me and so being away from him and then having him suddenly pin me against the door was like tipping an ice cold bucket of water down my neck and I have the shivers to prove it.

I turned my face away from him and to the side so that I was staring at the white porcelain bath tub and it’s very shiny gold faucets. Of course Dorian wouldn’t settle for that I had hoped but I’d only been deluding myself and I prayed to God that I could have the determination to stay angry and when the reason came knocking, I mean literally knocking – Jeremy was banging on the door with his fist.

“Emma! Hey Emma are you ok”? He yelled through the wood of the door panicked and my heart swelled to him and I used that to scowl at Dorian for ruining what could’ve been some of the happiest memories I’d ever have with my best friend, the kindest and sweetest person. Memories that I could look back on when I wouldn’t have him anymore, a time that I’d decided to make for Dorian and the asshole won’t let me. “Emma are you alright? Should I call someone”?

“No Jeremy it’s fine” I told him soothingly though I kept the glare on my face for Dorian.

Dorian took my face in his hands his eyes searching mine for something. “Emma love, why are you upset with me”? I turned my face away from him again because I couldn’t look at him without wanting him and it was frustrating me, also believing he didn’t deserve an answer. If I don’t deserve a weekend to enjoy my now ending humanity as a result of him then he doesn’t deserve his answers. I felt him lean in towards me again and saw it too from the corner of my, Dorian rest his forehead against the back of my head which was the side closest to him using one hand’s thumb to stroke gentle circles against my cheek.

I cannot tell you how much effort it took to stay still and stop myself from grabbing his face and kissing him senseless. I didn’t dare move not even to push him away because I know that as soon as I move it will destroy any wall I’ve created and he’ll take advantage and try something and I don’t want to give him the opportunity.

“Tell me what to do my Emma, anything whatever it is I’ll do it”. I scrunched my eyes shut to stop the tears generated by nothing but the pure desperation and despair in his voice. I steadied myself with a deep breath and shook a little when he moved pressing his nose into the crook of my neck nuzzling me, and it was so familiar to me, so normal and expected it made me feel safe and home and wanted sending shooting tingles through my body. I mentally slapped myself at being so soft I need a better resistance but it’s so damn hard to fight Dorian and the part of myself that is now irrevocably tied up in him.

“Emma please talk to me, say something please I need to hear your voice again” he was muttering to me almost too quiet for my ears to pick up but I couldn’t not understand him because as he was talking his lips were brushing my throat.

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