I took that as the conversation was over and threw my phone on the bed. “I can’t believe he’s getting married.” I’d known Zayn since he was nineteen, and it was weird to grasp the fact that he was about to bind himself to someone in marriage. Honestly, I didn’t think Zayn was the marrying type—but I guess I was wrong. I made a promise to myself to get to know her a little when I see her tonight.

“Perrie’s cool; I don’t really know Zayn though.”

“Wouldn’t want him marrying someone uncool now, would we?” I teased. He made a face at me before pulling on a weird patterned shirt—a classic Niall shirt. “Where’d you get that shirt?” I chuckled.

He frowned down at himself, “Hmm….I honestly can’t remember. I think I was with Harper,” What the fuck, they shop together? I don’t even shop with him.

It was wrong of me—but I didn’t like Harper at all. After I saw the pictures of them together and her excessively flirty tweets towards him, I didn’t trust her at all. She was in the same category as Snap for me. And on top of that, Niall had never mentioned her before. I don’t know; she just rubs me the wrong way…from what I’ve seen of her on the internet. I was discrete about it though considering Niall had no idea.

“It’s a nice shirt.”


“Yeah,” I quickly moved on. “So are we arriving fashionably late?”

He chuckled, “When does it start?”

“There’s not really a start time—I think most people are getting there at ten.” I twirled my freshly blow-dried and straightened hair around my finger. “Ted’s gonna be there.”

“Really?” I nodded before walking back to the dresser to pull out a pair of underwear and slipped them on. “Have you guys made up?” He mumbled as I dropped my towel, facing away from him.

I snorted, “Nope. Don’t plan on it. I do plan on showing her just how not boring I am tonight.”

“I won’t have to pull you out of a cat fight will I?”

“You will if she talks to me.” I grumbled as struggled to zip the front of my dress up past my hips. “You don’t understand the extent of what happened. I’m beyond done with her.” He laughed but I was being serious. I didn’t even want to see her. It was a good thing Logan had a penthouse, or first of all, he wouldn’t be able to fit all these people in there, and second, it’ll be big enough for it to be possible to never run into Ted.

“Anyway,” I said. “You and I will have to mingle and find someone for Calum. At least someone for the night. I don’t want him to be alone.” I grabbed the other pair of boots that I hadn’t wore yet and sat on the end of the bed.

“He wants a girlfriend?” He asked as he sat next to me.

“I’m like…ninety-eight percent sure he does.”

“And what does Logan—” He was cut off by my phone ringing on the bedI had an idea what he was going to say anyway.

“Speak of the devil…” I snickered before I answered the phone. “Hi Logan.”

“What’s goin’ on beautiful? What time are you getting here?”

I glanced at Niall, “Um, when do you want us?”

“Whenever you want, really. Cal’s here—we can all drink together.”

“Niall and I will be there at…” I thought of a time off the top of my head, “Nine-fifty.”

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