63. Talks

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“I’m sorry.” He mumbled.

I sighed, “It’s okay Niall…you’ll be able to come another time.”

“…I really wanted to be there…”

“Niall, it’s alright. I’m serious.” He always beats himself up over this. I understand that Maura wants him home, and I’m fine with it. Though I am upset, I’ve just accepted this as part of the long distance relationship thing—not being able to visit comes with the territory. Christmas was four days away anyway, there’s no way he would’ve been able to get a flightI guess…

“Your present is in the mail,” He sighed after a couple minutes of silence. “It should arrive the night before Christmas.”

I shifted in bed, rolling away from the sun that was shining brightly through the blinds. “Shit, I don’t know when yours are getting there…”

“We should open them on Christmas eve.”

“You’d have to stay up.”

“I don’t care.”

I blushed, thankful he couldn’t see me over the phone, “Alright then.”

“Skype or phone call,” he breathed.

“Skype, I can show you my Christmas pajamas.”

“That’s cute.”

“Shut up.”

He laughed, “What’d you get me?”

I rolled my eyes, “Stuff you needed since I didn’t know what you wanted.”

“Why didn’t you just ask?” Because I’m stubborn.

“I asked everyone else…and plus, I’m the girlfriend. I’m supposed to know that stuff.” I paused, “What did you want?”

“A Tomlinson family Christmas card.” I stuttered at his response. Of all things…

“Why?” I said, completely confused. “Why do you want that?”

“Because I like your family—my mum sent you one. So did Bobby.”

I gave him a strip tease for his birthday…and for Christmas he wants a card with a family photo on it. Why is he so damn weird? “Um…alright, I can get that to you.”

“Right…I’ll let you get back to sleep then.”

No… “Alright, talk to you soon.”

“Bye babe.” The smile in his voice made me smile too.

“Bye.” I hung up and flopped back against my covered. My door creaked up and Nerja came prancing in to jump on my bed, settling on my stomach to sit on. Chip followed her in, peeking to see if I was awake. “Yes?”

“What are you doing up?”

“I had a phone call to answer.”

“For your interview?” He walked around to the other side of the bed, kicking his shoes off before lying next to me and planting his feet so his knees were up.

“No, it was Niall.”

“Oh,” he smirked a little. “So, what’s the word?”

“He can’t come.”

His sighed, “That sucks.”


“You okay?”

“Yeah, I just wish he could come. I miss him…”

He nodded, “Yeah, I get you.” Silence. “So…what’s new?”

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