Chapter 43

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Zoe's POV:

   "Oooooh~ you guys are gonna get in trouble~" Demyx and Faith tease.

  "Now you've done it!" Tamaki yells.

  "Hey, it's not our fault." Hikaru says, hugging Haruhi.

  "We just wanted to see Haruhi in cosplay." Kaoru adds, hugging Haruhi as well.

    I glance over at the spilt tea and Honey's stained bunny laying on the table and shake my head. They better hope Honey doesn't do anything to hurt them.....but then again, it's their fault for chasing Haruhi with the bunny costume.

  Kazu puts his hands behind his head and yawns. "But, you guys were the ones to bump into it."

  "Only because Haruhi was running away." The twins say, squeezing Haruhi.

  Poor Haruhi...

  "I don't understand why you needed to chase Haruhi, though." Kazu says.

  "Well, Demyx refused to volunteer-"

  "-while Faith runs way too fast for us to catch her." Kaoru, then Hikaru say.

  Tamaki turns to the twins. "We cosplay all the time, you idiots!"

  "Yeah, but this time-"

   "-we were going for the cute bunny look-"

  "Disguised as a girl!" They both say.

  Haruhi sweat drops. "Disguised as a "girl"?"

  I am so glad they didn't ask me to cosplay.

  "You guys are just trying to distract me from the mess you've made!" Tamaki yells, pointing at the twins who are still holding a struggling Haruhi. "Get away from Haruhi, you punks!"

  "No way, boss!"

  "Let me go!"

  "They're too loud..." I mumble, sipping my tea.

   Kyoya glances at me, then goes back to typing. Without looking up, he directs his comments to the bickering twins, Haruhi and Tamaki.

  "Excuse me. We don't have any guests today, so I don't mind if you make a ruckus. But, could you please be careful? Jade and Honey-senpai are still sleeping and you don't want to wake Honey-senpai."

  The twins and Tamaki seem to freeze when he says that. They slowly turn their heads towards the red couch, with blue curtains over it, in the corner, looking directly at a sleeping Honey and Jade. Who are currently snuggled up next to each other.

  "They're third years and still take afternoon naps..." Haruhi comments as she walks up to them.

  "What's wrong with afternoon naps?" I ask, crossing my arms and leaning back in my chair.

  "Yeah. We take afternoon naps all the time." Demyx adds.

  Faith shakes her head. "Well, I don't....often."

Do You Trust Me? (OHSHC/JR: Kyoya x OC) BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now