Chapter 49

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A/N: this is just a warning: there is a lemon in this chapter! If you do not like it, please do not read and wait for the next chapter. Other than that, please enjoy 😊 p.s, DO NOT play the song until I tell you ;)

Zoe's POV:

"Can you not..." I mumble into my pillow.

"But I missed my darling little girl~" Nowaki coos, kissing the top of my head.

I feel my cheeks heat up from embarrassment. Don't get me wrong, I love my dad, but I'm still not used to this affection he shows me. It feels weird, but I also feel loved for once.

I quickly flip over onto my stomach and stuff my face into my pillow while hiding under the covers. He's been coming in and out of my room all morning just to check on me- or rather, just to tease me. He's been asking about that trip to Karuizawa with you-know-who ever since I came back yesterday and every time I don't answer, he says he missed me.

I feel a light poke at my side and groan in annoyance. "Dad, let me sleep."

"Not until you tell me about the trip." He says, poking my side again.

"Hm-mm." I shake my head and burry deeper into the covers with my hands gripping my pillow on each side.

  I hear him sigh then get up from the edge of the bed. "Fine. But, you brought this on yourself..."

  Huh? What does he mean by that?

  I'm about to ask him when I feel arms wrap around my waist and lift me up. I squeal as I'm suddenly hulled over Nowaki's shoulder. The covers fall off of me, but I'm able to grab my pillow as he starts to walk away.

I hit hit back with my pillow. "Dad! Put me down!"

He shakes his head. "Nope~"

I groan and hug the pillow to my face. At least I'm in my pajamas, which is a large white T-shirt and black sweats....that I borrowed from Kyoya.

Don't you dare tell him.

Nowaki starts to hum happily and he carries me around. I remove the pillow from my face and sigh.



"May I please get down?" I ask in a innocent voice.

He stops and hums. ""

My eye twitches as he laughs and turns a corner, leading into the living room. I hear movement and turn my head to see Hiroki sitting on the couch, his glasses on as he looks through papers. On any other day, I would leave him alone to do his work.

But, today is not that day.

"Papa! Can you tell dad to put me down!" I call. Hiroki glances up and frowns as Nowaki carries me past him.

"Nowaki, why are you holding Zoe?" He asks, getting up.

Nowaki turns toward him, making me dizzy and not being able to see him.

Do You Trust Me? (OHSHC/JR: Kyoya x OC) BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now