Chapter 58

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Zoe's POV:

"Um.... aren't school fairs supposed to be a little more homemade- looking?" Haruhi asks, sweat dropping as she watches a bunch of workers moving things around and hanging decorations.

Jade nods and leans against me. "I have to agree with Haruhi on this one. You guys really are going all out with this school fair."

"You're talking about schools in general." Kyoya says, writing something down. "What gets emphasized at Ouran Fair is planning and leadership. Most of the students here are expected to be future leaders by nature, so they are required to impress everyone with their strengths."

He stops writing and closes the notebook as he finishes talking. Haruhi looks up at him with understanding as Jade huffs beside me, her arms crossed.

"Still doesn't mean they should spend thousands of dollars on decorations alone. Seems like a waste to me..." she mumbles.

I pat her head soothingly, silently agreeing with her. She's right. Even if they need to impress their families, shouldn't they be more impressed with their strengths in leadership instead of show? Seems like a waste...

"Whoa, whoa!"

The sound of hoisted neighing catch our attention and makes us look up as a brown, horse-drawn carriage comes to a stop a few feet away from us. Hikaru lifts the ropes, making the horses stay in place. Mori-senpai, who is beside him with Faith in between, smiles at him.

"That was good." Mori praises. "We can turn them over to you now."

From behind Mori, I spot Demyx, Kaoru, Kazu, Honey-senpai and Tamaki. Kaoru waves to us as Demyx wraps an arm around his shoulders. Honey's head turns toward us and his smile widens as he clutches his stuffed bunny.

"Haru-chan! Jade! Zo-chan!" He squeals, waving.

Tamaki stands up and waves as well. "Come aboard guys! We're rehearsing for Ouran Fair's special parade!"

"Why a horse-drawn carriage though?" Haruhi mumbles as we stroll over towards the carriage.

Jade nudges her shoulder playfully. "YOLO, Haruhi."

Haruhi gives her a confused look as Mori picks her up and sets her on his lap. "Huh?"

Faith giggles. "It's means 'you only live once', so relax and enjoy it while it's here."

"Ah, okay..." she mumbles, climbing in after me and sitting next to Tamaki. I sit on her right, Kyoya next to me. Across from us is Kaoru, Demyx, Honey, then Kazu while Mori, Jade, Faith and Hikaru take the front. Roses start to fly everywhere, making me slightly irritated and from the look on Demyx's face, I can tell he is too.

"I swear, if I get molested by another rose petal..." Demyx grumbles, making Kaoru chuckle.

"You should be used to it by now."

Demyx shakes his head. "Nope."

He chuckles again and looks back at his brother. "Hey, you've gotten good at driving the carriage, I see."

Hikaru glances back at him. "Kaoru, you should've come practiced with me."

"Well, I guess even twins will start to have different interests and strong suits." Kazu comments.

"It's kinda fun to have all of us riding in a carriage like this, huh, Zo-chan?" Honey asks.

I blink in surprise at his question, but nod my head, giving a small smile.

Do You Trust Me? (OHSHC/JR: Kyoya x OC) BOOK 2Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum