Chapter 42

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Zoe's POV:

"Um....who are you?" Hikaru and Kaoru ask as the blonde haired guy stares at us.

  "Who's the cute?" Jade asks, walking over to me.

  I shrug.

  "He's a foreigner!" Honey yells, hoping on my back.

"And for that matter, doesn't the door look different?" Haruhi mumbles.

Now that you mention it, it does look different...

The stranger smiles as his royal blue eyes land on Kirimi. "Kirimi...!"


"Master..." a voice says.

"...You forgotten your attire." Another voice finishes as two people, one...butler? And maid?

They both throw a dark wig and a dark cloak on the guy and spin him around. Once he stops, he gives us a creepy smile that a cat puppet?

"Nekozawa-senpai?!" The twins, Tamaki and Haruhi yell.


"Oh, so that's who he is?" Faith asks, leaning on me.

"Didn't see that coming." Demyx comments.

"...I'm confused." I say bluntly.

"Well, duh. You weren't here when we met him." Jade says. "It was when the twins were fighting."

"Oh." I say, shrugging.

  I ignore the chattering going around me and bring my gaze towards Kirimi. Once her blue eyes meet mine, I instantly make the connection that the guy, Nekozawa, is her brother. Hm, funny, I wonder why she thinks Tamaki is her brother-

  "Ahh! Big sister! Save me from the monster!" Kirimi yells, jumping on me and wrapping her arms around my neck.

  Well, I just answered my own question...

"It's okay... The cursed puppet Belzenef here is not the least bit scary..." Nekozawa says, walking closer to me and Kirimi.

"The Nekozawa family has worshiped cat-shaped objects for generations." He continues in his creepy voice.

Kirimi tightens her grip on me and buries her head into the crook of my neck. I pat her back with one hand and lightly shush her as she whimpers a bit.

"No, it's not the puppet she's afraid of, it's you, yourself." Haruhi says bluntly.

Well, damn. Could've said it a bit nicer...

Kazu walks over to Nekozawa and tugs lightly on his dark cloak. "Maybe it's because of the clothes you have on?"

The twins then get a glint in their eye and start to pull on his cloak. Nekozawa starts to freak out and holds on tightly.

"Don't do that! It's so bright, I'll die!" He yells.

The twins stop and shrug, holding their hands up.

Honey gets off my back and runs over to the curtains. He grabs them and starts to shut them.

"Well, we can darken the room-"

"No! I hate the dark!" Kirimi steals in my ear. I flinch, but run her back again and lightly bounce her in my arm.

Tamaki runs over and smiles nervously at her. "It's okay...."

Do You Trust Me? (OHSHC/JR: Kyoya x OC) BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now