Chapter 27

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Zoe's POV:

~~~flashback: age 11~~~

Dad pours the uncooked grits on the floor, making a straight line in front of me. When he's done, he sets the box down and sits on a stool next to the fridge. With one look at me, he gestures for me to kneel on them. I hesitate, then slowly kneel down, flinching when the grits cut into my bare knees. Dad lights a cigarette and leans back against the fridge, not taking his eyes off of me.

I refuse to give him the satisfaction of hearing me cry, but I can't stop the tears that sting my eyes as the pain starts to numb me a bit. I still don't give in though, I keep my tear filled eyes on his as he blows smoke in my face.

"This is your punishment for telling your mother, Zoe." He blows another dark cloud in my face and smiles. "You need to learn not to cross me."

I just glare at him and he laughs. He's taunting me. I know he is. I wince when I move a little, letting out a small whimper as more tears fall out of my eyes.

After about a good hour and a half, he finally lets me get up. I stumble to my feet and wobble to my room. As soon as I make it to my room, I lock the door and examine my knees. Little cuts and small droplets of blood cover both of my knees. I'm afraid to touch it, the tender skin looking an angry red as I stare at it.

   I instantly feel nauseous and run to the nearest bathroom. Once I make it to the toilet, I empty my stomach, making sure to not make a mess. I flush the toilet and quickly brush my teeth. I've been getting sick a lot lately, but it's weird because I feel fine. Maybe it's just their beatings getting to me, or it might be something wrong with me.

   I glance in the mirror, but look away and move away from the sink. It's probably nothing. Probably just my late reaction from the cuts.

   "Zoe! Get down here!" I hear my mother call from down stairs.

   I groan and close my eyes. She's mad again. Probably because her pictures for the paper didn't go through.

   "Now, Zoe!"

  I sigh and quickly make my way down stairs. If things aren't bad as it is, then it can't possibly get worse.

Oh, how wrong I was...

~~~flashback over~~~

    "Ms. Kamijou."

   I open my eyes and turn towards the front of the class. My eyes lock onto the music teacher, who is currently look at me with slight irritation.

  "Hmm?" I hum.

   She clears her throats and calmly gestures next to her. "As I said before, Ms. Kamijou, please come up here and sing the song at the top of page 27."

   Of course she'd ask the person in the way back of the class to sing. I grumble and grab my music book, glancing at Demyx. He give me a pity look and I roll my eyes as I make my way to the front. Once I'm next to her, I open my book and eye the song.

Do You Trust Me? (OHSHC/JR: Kyoya x OC) BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now