Chapter 16

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Zoe's POV:

For the next couple of days, Kyoya was the one avoiding me. I didn't blame him though, I tried avoiding him too. It was hard though. No matter what class we were in, the teacher always had to put him so close to me and it was awkward! He would either glance at me and turn his eyes away if he saw me looking, or Vice versa. It was times like these that I was glad to have at least one friend in the class.

Today was not that day, though.

Unfortunately for me, Demyx got sick and had to stay home today. So, I had to spend the rest of my day with the asswhole and the idiot. Although, I can't really call him an idiot today because he seemed to know something was up between me and Kyoya. He kept glancing at me whenever Kyoya and I would quickly turn our gazes away. I prayed that my face was still as emotionless as it usually is, but judging from the look Tamaki gave me? I think he at least saw a tiny blush on my face. I just hope it wasn't noticeable...

"Okay, everyone! Since we have...." the teacher glances at the watch on his wrist. "15 minutes before the bell, I will allow you a little free time."

I feel like we always have free time at the end of class...

I see Kyoya stand up from his chair and turns toward Tamaki. "I need to work on a few things for the Host Club. I will see you during lunch."

Before Tamaki could respond, Kyoya turns away and brushes past me. We both avoid eye contact as he leaves the room.

I sigh and lay my head on my desk. I don't know why he's the one avoiding me when he's the one who kisses me.

"Zoe?" Tamaki says, scooting closer to me.

I turn my head slightly, looking at him. "Hm?"

He gives me a serious look, one that I didn't think was possible for him. "Is there something wrong between you and Kyoya?"

I stare at him a moment, then shake my head.

He tilts his head. "Are you sure? It seems like it."


He stares at me. I can tell from the look in his violet eyes that he didn't believe me.

"I know you're lying, Zoe. Ever since we got back from the Tropical resort, he's been avoiding you." He says, crossing his arms.

I shrug and turn my head. "He's the one avoiding me. You should ask him what his problem is."

"So there is something going on."

Crap. I just basically told him that there was.

I sigh again. "Look, it's nothing."

I feel his hand on my shoulder. "Are you sure?"

"Yes." I say simply, shrugging him off. He pauses for a second, then starts to talk again.

"It might help to talk about-"

"Tamaki." I lift my head up and look at him. I can tell my eyes are as cold as ice because the look on his face tells me that he doesn't want to press me any further.

I stand up and grab my bag. "Just drop it, okay?"

He nods his head, not saying anything. I nod back slightly then turn my back on him and walk towards the door. I need comfort from my friends.

I walk around the halls until I get to Faith's classroom. I peak in through the window to see Haruhi, Faith and the twins. Hikaru , Faith and Haruhi seem to be in a deep conversation, while Koaru is looking down at his phone, sometimes adding a sentence or two into the convo. He must be texting Demyx. He did tell me that he gave him his number.

I shake my head and turn away from the window, walking down the hall. They seem busy, I'll just check in on Jade I guess...

I make my way down a long flight of stairs and I go another hallway. Once I reach Jade's class, I peak in and sigh. Mori and Jade look like they're having a funny conversation. He says something to her, a small smile on his face and she laughs. Honey-senpai is asleep on their laps as their conversation goes on. From here, I can tell that they're holding hands.

I give a slight smile at the sight. I'm glad they're finally talking. I knew she had a crush on him, but I didn't think he would show that much emotion around her. I look back at them one last time then turn away.

I press my back against the wall and pull out my cell. I send a quick text to Demyx.

Hey, how are things going? Are you feeling okay? -Z

I get an instant reply.

Yeah, everything's good. Koaru and I are talking. I think he might like me back! ;) - D

So he was texting Demyx. That's good, I guess.

Ooooooh, we'll go ahead and keep talking. I hope things go well lol. Text me if anything. -Z

Will do! Ttyl, Zoe! :* -D

I turn my phone off and close my eyes. I guess some air wouldn't hurt...

I push myself off of the wall and make my way outside. I walk towards the school's main fountain and sit on the stone pavement. The water relics the sky, making it hard to see the bottom.

I lean forward and stare at my reflection. My dark blue eyes stare back at me. My face is the same emotionless face that it's always been, my hair the same dark ebony and long as always. I lean closer and run my fingers through my long black hair, frowning a bit.

Is he avoiding me....because he got tired of me? Am I boring?

I stop frowning and hold the ends of my hair in my fingers. I close my eyes and sigh.

"Maybe a haircut would look better..." I mumble.

I hear someone chuckle from beside me. "You would look amazing, no matter what your hair length is."

My eyes snap open and instantly fall on the person's reflection next to mine. My breath catches in my throat as my dark blue orbs stare back at sea blue ones. I slowly look up and to my left as the guy looks back at me. My eyes are probably huge and I could feel my mouth part slightly as I stare at the white-haired guy in front of me.


His lips spread into a wide smile and he winks at me.

"Nice to see you again, Shortcake."


Do You Trust Me? (OHSHC/JR: Kyoya x OC) BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now