Chapter 17

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Zoe's POV:


"Zoe, we can't stay here." Jade whispers to me.

"She's right. If we stay here any longer, we'll die." Faith says, putting her hand on Jade's shoulder.

Jade's eyes start to fill with tears. "Just like Demyx..."

They both snuck into my room after one of Akuma's men dragged Kazu away. They knew I was scared that he might die next. But, he reassured me that we will escape.

And we will.

I nod my head. "We escape. Tonight."

Faith gives me a weary look. "You think we'll be able to-"

We hear heavy footsteps walking down the hall, interrupting Faith. Jade instantly whimpers and Faith pulls her into a hug. I instantly move so that I'm in front of them just as the door opens.

   My eyes narrow when we see Akuma. He stares down at us and I push my friends back a little, not breaking eye contact with this man. Akuma smirks at me and grabs my arm.

   "Let me go!" I yell, trying to push him off.

   He ignores me and looks behind him. That's when I notice that two of his men were behind him.

   He gestures to my friends and nods his head. "Grab them."

  As the men move around Akuma, I start to kick at his legs. "Leave them alone and just take me!"

   He grabs both of my arms and forces them behind my back, tying my hands together. He throws me over his shoulder as I struggle in his hold, ignoring my curses and kicks. He carries me out the door, the two guys carrying a crying Jade and a struggling Faith in their arms, both now gagged and their hands tied as well.

   They carry us to one of Akuma's 'sex rooms' and opens the door. He walks in and turns his head towards the two men.

"Leave them there and leave us alone." He orders.

They nod and place Jade and Faith on the floor. The leave, locking the door. I glance at my friends and give them a look that I hope was reassuring. I mouth the words 'it'll be okay' as Akuma takes me off of his shoulder. He sets me down in front of him, having me face him.

I glare up at him, but he ignores me and looks behind me, an evil smirk on his face. "You know what you need to do."

Before I could say anything, he pushed me back. I brace myself for the harsh impact, but instead, familiar arms grab me and turn me to face them. I'm about to put up a fight, but stop once I see it's Kazu.

My eyes widen and I lean into him. "Kazu, are you okay? Did he hurt you-"

"Hurry this up, Kazu. We made a deal." Akuma interrupts.

Deal? I look up at Kazu with confusion, but he doesn't look at me. His long blonde hair falls around his face and his bangs cover his eyes. What is going on?

Do You Trust Me? (OHSHC/JR: Kyoya x OC) BOOK 2Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora