Chapter 23

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Zoe's POV:

   I feel like God just hates me so much. Why? Like really, why? Why did he have to make it so that I have to be in a car with these two?!

   "Ms. Kamijou, I advise you to not pout. It simply does not fit you." Kyoya comments.

   I glare over at him. Kazu chuckles and  shakes his head.

   "Don't worry about her, she's always like this." He says, winking at me.

   I roll my eyes and stare out the window. Kazu has been bugging me and trying to get close to me since he found out we were riding in the same limo. My friends have me sympathy looks when they left with their limo partners. Faith's nod Demyx went with the twins, Jade with Mori-senpai and Honey-senpai and Tamaki, being the over dramatic one he is, declared that he'd ride with at least one of his daughters. Ugh! When we get out of this limo, the first thing I'm going to do is murder that blonde idiot.


   Because it was his freaking idea for me to ride with these two! All because he wanted to be with his precious daughter.

   Which I ship.

"How long until we get to the beach?" I ask, looking at Kyoya.

Before he can reply, Kazu interrupts.

"Ah, so shortcake can speak."

I ignore him and stare at Kyoya. He adjust his glasses and glances at me.

"It will be about 4 hours, Ms. Kamijou." He says.

I have to stay in this freaking limo with them for four freaking hours?! I sigh in frustration and turn back towards the window. Unbelievable. I feel a hand on mine and I look to my left to see Kazu.

   "Don't worry, Shortcake. We'll be there soon." He smiles and moves a little closer to me. "Why don't we make ourselves comfortable- ow!"

  I flick his forehead and point to the seat next to Kyoya. "You can get comfortable over there."

  He holds his hands up in surrender and moves back next to Kyoya. Who, by the way, is glaring at Kazu. Which I don't know why. He hates me.

  Doesn't he?

   I feel my phone vibrate and I turn it on, seeing a text from Jade in our group chat.

   How's everything going with you guys? -J

  Demyx is flirting with Koaru :/ -F

  I am not!.....okay, maybe a little...-D

  Oh come on! You know you liiiiiike him! -J

   I'm not denying it ;) -D

   Ewwww -F

   Really, Dem? -Z

   What? He's cute~ Faith is flirting too! -D

   I am not! -F

   Yes, you are. -D

   Here we go... anyway, how about you, Zoe? -J

  It's just peaches and cream. -Z

   No seriously, is the jerk bothering you? -D

  Do I need to go to jail? -J

   Guys, no violence. But really, are you okay? -F

   Yeah, so far...but, Kyoya is acting weird again :/ -Z

Weird how? -F

Weird as in "he's jealous of Kazu" weird. -J

Ewww, Jade. No. -Z

Oh my gawd! Kyoya is jelly~ get it girl! -D

And that is my cue to leave the convo. I'm gonna take a nap. -Z

I quickly turn off my phone and relax back into my seat.

"Ms. Kamijou, is everything alright?"

I glance over at Kyoya. I nod my head and lay down on the seat, stretching my legs out. Kazu smiles at me.

"It seems Shortcake here is tired."

I glare and him and close my eyes.

Yup, I am so going to kill Tamaki when we get to our destination.

With that thought, I fall into a deep sleep.

Kyoya's POV:

As Zoe drifts off to sleep, I can't help but stare at her. I never thought I'd think this, but she looks so beautiful when she sleeps. Like a sleeping beauty.

"I would stop starring, if I were you."

My eyes snap over to look at Kazu. His arms are crosses and his sarcastic smirk and aura is gone, replaced with a serious one. I adjust my glasses and give him my best cold stare.

"And why is that, Mr. Asami?" I ask emotionlessly.

He glances at Zoe, then back at me. "Let's get something straight here."

He glares at me and continues, leaning forward a bit. "Zoe doesn't want someone like you. She is not interested in getting her feelings hurt by some rich snob. So, if I were you, I'd leave her alone."

I narrow my eyes, then smirk. "Oh? Is that what you think? That I'm interested in her?"

I let out a low chuckle, my dark aura filling up the limo. "What makes you think that she even likes me? You don't even know her, as far as I'm concerned."

Instead of glaring at me, his face melts into a gloating smirk. "On the contrary, I've know her for years."

My eyes widen as his take on an amused look. "I know Zoe very well. I know the look you give her as well and she doesn't like it. So just leave her alone before you end up hurting her."

I was about to come back with an insult, but when his eyes turn back towards Zoe, I stop. His eyes soften and his smile drops as he stares at her with a look that I don't like.

" I did once." He mumbles.

I raise an eyebrow as he fixes up his look and glares at me. What was that just now? Did he do something to her? What was that look for.

"Tell me, what did you mean by that? 'Like I did once' what did you do?" I ask, leaning a bit closer to him.

He smirks at me and turns his head away. He closes his eyes and leans against the window, chucking.

"Wouldn't you like to know, Ootori." He says.

I clench my jaw as he seems to fall into a deep sleep as well. I sigh and lean back in my seat. What did he mean? Did he hurt her in some way? Is that why she acts like this? What was she like before if it is so? Was she a different person?

My eyes land on Zoe one last time before I close my eyes, suddenly feeling tired as well. Once last thought crosses my mind as sleep takes over me.

Is she in love with Kazu?

Do You Trust Me? (OHSHC/JR: Kyoya x OC) BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now