Chapter 36

104 4 36

Zoe's POV:


   I groan and slowly open my eyes. I glare at Tamaki as he sits up in his bed, breathing hard. He blinks and looks around, then sighs with relief and puts his hand to his forehead.

  "It was...just a dream.." he mumbles, a small smile on his face.

   My right eye twitches as I grab a pillow and throw it at his head. He looks over at me, a pout on his face.

  "What was that for, Zoe?!" He whines.

  My glare hardens. "I understand if you have a nightmare, Tamaki. But, waking me up pisses me off beyond complaint."

  He laughs slightly and puts his hand behind his head. "Sorry, Zoe..."

  I grunt and lay my head back down on my pillow. Tch! How dare he interrupt my sleep? I told him not to wake me up and let me wake up on my own. It was the whole reason I even agreed to sleepover.

  Well, that and the fact that I had to get away from Hiroki before he saw the hickeys on my neck.

  I sigh and close my eyes. As soon as I feel myself drifting back into dream world, another shout from the blonde idiot makes me snap my eyes open again and groan. Not again...

  "ZOE! WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME IT WAS 6:50! WE'RE GOING TO BE LATE FOR SCHOOL!" He yells, running around the room.

   I slowly sit up, my dark aura rising. "Tamaki...."

  He cuts me off by throwing my bag at me, which contains my school uniform, as well as a few other personal things. It smacks me in the face and slowly slides down, landing in my lad and making me even more pissed off.


   He cuts me off again and points at me. "HURRY UP AND GET DRESSED, ZOE! WE NEED TO HURRY!"

  Before I can even utter a single word, he rushes out of the room. Should I call him back and tell him that he's still in his pajamas?

   Nah. He'll find out soon. I stare at the door for a few seconds, then lay back down. Now, where was I? Oh yeah, dream world-



  I open my eyes again and stare at the ceiling. Why me.

  "Because you are not my father, you wouldn't listen to me and because today is-"

  "NEVER MIND! WE HAVE TO GO NOW!" He cuts me off yet again and runs out of the room.

  I blink at the small cloud of dust he left behind and shake my head. Sometimes I wonder how he even made it into high school. I yawn and crawl out of bed. Well, guess I'm not going back to sleep anytime soon. Might as well go and eat breakfast.

  After my morning routine, I quickly change into my dark blue cardigan, black shorts, black jacket and black and white converse and head downstairs with my bag. As soon as I make it to the end of the grand staircase, I'm greeted by some of Tamaki's servants. I nod back and stand next to a well dressed old lady, who is currently giving a 'really?' Look.

  "My, what poor manners." She mumbles.

"Good morning, ma'am." I greet.

She looks down at me and nods her head. "Good morning, lady Zoe. How are you this morning?"

Do You Trust Me? (OHSHC/JR: Kyoya x OC) BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now