Chapater 52

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Kyoya's POV:

My eyes don't waver from Zoe as she stares straight ahead. Though her face doesn't show it, she's purposely avoiding eye contact with me. She knows I'm upset with her.

After almost two hours of arguing with her friends, she had convinced them into not coming to the prison with us. Though they protested anyway, she refused to let them come and even requested for Mori-senpai, Honey-senpai and Hikaru and Kaoru to make sure they didn't follow. They had no idea what was going on, but gave in when Zoe gave them a look.

  I was mostly surprised when neither Tamaki or Kazu said anything. I was expecting Tamaki to have his usual 'protective father' attitude and stop her from going to a prison, but instead, he said nothing and just watched her with a serious, yet curious gaze. Kazu, on the other hand, was completely different. He never said a word, but he had a look like he understood why she was doing this.

  I, however, have yet to know her reasons.

  "It's impolite to stare, Ootori."

  The sound of Zoe's voice breaks me from my thoughts, making me realize that I was staring at said girl offhandedly. I clear my throat and fix my glasses.

  "My apologies."

  She hums in response, still not looking at me. I exhale from my nose and turn away from her as silence descends on us. After a few minutes, I started to get uncomfortable. It was bothering me that she still hasn't told me anything and this silence is starting to get to me.

I glance back over to her, my glances catching the glint of the sun. Her legs were crossed and her arms were crossed as she continued to look straight, the same position as before. It doesn't seem to be bothering her at all, but then again, you could almost never tell with her.

"You are aware that we have almost 10 minutes until we get to Fuchū." I state, pushing my glasses up.

Her eyes don't even flicker towards me. "I am aware."

"Mind filling me in on your reasoning for this visit?" I ask, crossing my arms.

This time, her eyes look to me, locking onto mine. She raises an eyebrow as her head slowly turns toward me as well, her eyes never leaving mine.

"Mind filling me in on what you wanted to tell me?" She asks back.

  I feel my eyes harden and down say anything. Very unfair, Ms. Kamijou. I want to tell you about your mother, I really want to. But, you left before I could tell you and you refused to answer any of my calls or texts.

  I unconsciously touch my glasses again, our eyes never wavering from each other's. I already know she is going to be upset when I finally tell her. Or rather, if I tell her. Kazu might tell her...

  At the thought of him, I turn away from her piercing gaze. He went through my computer and found the article on Joan Welkins. I didn't know he had went through my things until he told me and he most certainly wasn't happy about Zoe not knowing and I instantly knew this: if I didn't tell her, he most likely will.

  That's why I have to be the one to do it.

  She stares at me a few seconds before turning her gaze back forward.

  "I thought so." She says.

  After that, we sat in silence for the remainder of the ride.

Do You Trust Me? (OHSHC/JR: Kyoya x OC) BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now