Chapter 34

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Quick A/N: WARNING! LEMON a.k.a SEXUAL CONTENT IS IN THIS CHAPTER! I repeat: SEXUAL CONTENT! If you do not enjoy or do not wish to read it, please skip it and wait for the next chapter, BUT if you do enjoy this type of stuff ENJOY and CRINGE BECAUSE I DID 😂😂

Kyoya's POV:

"Will you please refrain from making a mess on the rug, Ms. Kamijou. I do not wish to go throw the trouble of cleaning it up." I say as Zoe throws herself on the love sofa.

She looks up, her eyes half lidded and her cheeks a slight pink. She holds her hand up and shakes her finger at me drunkenly.

"You won't because you'll have yo- *hiccup* you're maids to" she slurs.

I sigh as she closes her eyes and lays sideways, her legs hanging on the edge of the sofa. "By the w- *hiccup* way, whereish Kazuu?"

I walk over to her and gently grab her arm. "I took him home, Ms. Kamijou. You know that. And you're drunk."

She pushes me away and lays back down. "I'm not dru-unk!"

"This is disgraceful behavior for a lady."

She throws a pillow at me, but I move my head so it could pass by.

"Shut up, asshole! *hiccup* I head hurts..." she mumbles, closing her eyes again.

I sigh and pat her head. "Hai hai, wait here."

She mumbles something I didn't catch, but I ignore it and make my way towards my father's study, where he keeps all the pain medication. Once I get there, I hear something tip over and Zoe's drunken voice a second later. I shake my head as I rummage through the desk and take out two pain killers.

Thank goodness no one is home at the moment. Father would surely hate me even more if he found out I was housing a drunken lady. How disgraceful would that be?

Wait. Did it just get quiet....

I quickly get a glass of iced water and make my way back into the living room. Only to find Zoe gone. I let out a frustrated sigh and look around.

"Zoe?" I call.

No answer.

I spot the small table, that was next to the couch, tipped over. So that's what was knocked over. I set the pills and the water down on the other table and careful pick the table up and put it back into place.

"Zoe..." I mumble as I pick up the items again.

A light bump comes from above me and I instantly know where she is. I quickly walk up to my room to find her sitting on my bed, a bottle in her hand. I frown as I set the water and glass down. I snatch the bottle away from her and she pouts. Cutely, might I add.

"Heyyyy, thash miiiine~" she whines, reaching her hands out is a grabbing motion.

I ignore her and examine the wine. Oh god. It's my father's special blend of white wine! It's supposed to make you drunk within seconds!

"Where did you get this?" I demand.

She shakes her head and puts a finger over her mouth. "Shhhh *hiccup* ish my se~cr~et~"

I roll my eyes and look at the remains at the bottle, then groan. "You drunk nearly the whole bottle..."

"Like I give a crap..." she says and falls backwards onto the bed.

Do You Trust Me? (OHSHC/JR: Kyoya x OC) BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now