Chapter 35

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Okay, just really quick: I sincerely apologize for not updating. I was having a bit of a writer's block.....and because I was lazy lol....any who, I also want to say sorry for all of the mistakes you see in this story, it's all typos that I don't notice until AFTER I post a chapter. AND I DO NOT FEEL LIKE EDITING IT. Why? Because I'm simply too lazy to do that and I can do what I want. ANYWAY! ON WITH THE STORY!!

Zoe's POV:

I groan as I hear the sound of an alarm go off. Without opening my eyes, I reach my hand over and grab the monstrosity and chuck it across the room. After hearing a satisfying bang and silence emerges, I snuggle back into the warmth that is very soft and comfortable.

"That adds more yen to your debt..." a deep voice groans in my ear.

I hum. "Whatever, Kyoya..."



My eyes snap open and I'm instantly met with the sun in my eyes. I blink a few times and look around. I take in the neat desk, white rug and tidy room, my eyes widening.

  When the hell did I get in Kyoya's room?! Wait, who cares?! I need to get out of here now!

  As soon as I sit up, I fall back towards the bed and groan, an aching feeling between my legs. What the hell did I-

   Oh no.

   Did we....?

  An image of us kissing and grinding....and...other things....

   Oh. My. GOD!

  I sit up again, trying to ignore the aching feeling. Only to be yanked down by an arm around my waist. I let out a little yelp as my back presses up against a hard, and very naked, chest. A dark aura surrounds me a bit as I feel hot breath on my ear, making a shiver run down my spine.

  "Ms. Kamijou....I suggest you stay here and let me get at least another three hours of sleep....before you. Regret. It..." he growls.

  I gulp and lightly nod my head. He grunts and holds me closer. A second later, a light snoring is heard and the dark aura is gone. He's even worse than me in the morning. I feel a shiver pass through my body after hearing his deep morning voice. And not in a bad way...

  Note to self: never wake Kyoya.

  I decided to just lay in his arms until he can finally wake up. Don't get me wrong, I could probably stay in his arms all day if I wanted to. But, sadly, that will be a no. Why?

  Because I'm freaking naked! My scars are freaking showing!

   At that realization, another one comes to me. He must've already saw them...oh gosh, I really need to go now.

  After about 5 minutes, I start to get antsy. I look down at his arm, that is currently secured around my waist. I lightly poke it and quickly look over at him. His light snoring doesn't change and he stays in the same position.

  I poke him again.

  Same reaction.

  Hm...time to take drastic measures...

   I gently and lightly grab his arm and slowly lift it up, all the while watching him. He still doesn't do anything. Good, things are going good. I lift his arm a good five inches from my waist and look back at him. Still nothing.

I let out a slow sigh and close my eyes. Okay....on the count of 3.......3!

I quickly slide out from under his arm and land, not so gracefully, on the floor. I hold back a groan and quickly look over the edge of the bed. Kyoya grunts and shuffles a bit, but stays asleep. I let out a relieved sigh and cover myself with my hands. I look around the room for my clothes and spot them by the desk. I quickly rush over and throw them on.

   Thank goodness it's not ripped or anything...though I think I may have ruined his shirt. I shrug. Oh well. I giggle to myself and turn around-

  "What the f-"

  "That is very inappropriate language for a lady, Ms. Kamijou." Kyoya says.

  I quickly recover from my shock and wipe my face of any emotion. I was about to come back with a sly comment, but my eyes suddenly trail down. They land on his hard abs and they trail up towards his muscles that I didn't even know was there, not buff, but definitely not soft either...

  "Ms. Kamijou."

  I clear my throat and quickly move my eyes to his before they could go any lower. "Hm?"

  His lips start to move, but all I can focus on is the fact that he looks even hotter without glasses. His lips move again and my eyes land on them. I can't help but bite my lip, thinking about how his were just all over my neck and body. Kissing my skin ever so softly, like he was afraid I might break...

   Good lord, I think I'm about to break just thinking about this guy.

  I hear a snap and instantly come back to reality. Kyoya snaps his fingers in my face and I glare up at him. I hate when people snap in my face. Makes me feel like a dog when I'm not.

He clears his throat. "I would like to talk to you about...last night..."

  Oh gosh. I can feel my cheeks heat up a bit as an image of Kyoya's arms around me as he thru-

  I shake my head and blink a bit. Kill the visual.

  "Mhm.." I hum.

  I can see his cheeks getting a little pink as he clears his throat again. When he looks at me this time, all I see is a hard look as he crosses his arms. Huh? What did I do?

  "I would, more specifically, like to know why you're parents gave you those scars."

  My mood suddenly drops. I keep my face emotionless as I start to panic on the inside. How the hell did he...


  And image of me taking off my shirt and telling him that my birth parents did this to me pops into my head. Crap! He wasn't supposed to know. I feel my breathing start to get heavier and I take a step back.

  Kyoya blinks and puts his hand on my shoulder, causing me to jump. "Zoe, are you okay-"

  I gulp and brush his hand away. I spot my shoes and leather jacket by the door and quickly walk over and pick them up.

  "Sorry for the inconvenience." I say quickly, opening the door.

   "Wait, Zoe. We need to talk about this-"

  "No." I say harshly and glare back at him. "We don't need to talk about it."

  His eyes are wide, shocked that my tone was so harsh. My gaze softens as tears sting to my eyes. Oh gosh, not now. Please, not now. I don't want him to see me cry too. To see how weak I am.

  "Zoe..." he says softly and reaches his hand out towards me.

  I put my head dow and turn away, my hair falling in my eyes. "Just...I don't want to talk about it! Bye!"

  Without another word, I leave his room. I run blindly through his mansion until I make it to the door. As soon as I'm outside, I run. Not looking back. All the while tears falling down my cheeks.

  I never wanted him to see my scars. Nor have I wanted him to see how pathetic I am.

  I'm such an idiot.

Do You Trust Me? (OHSHC/JR: Kyoya x OC) BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now