Chapter 56

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A/N: Do not play the song until I tell you to, thank you☺️ :*

Zoe's POV:

"Are you sure you're stable enough to Host today, Zoe?"

I nod my head as I slip on my costume. "Yeah. I'm good."

"Are you really sure? I mean, you could always take a few more days-"

"Jade." I say, looking over at her. "It's been over a week. I'm fine."

She gives me a look before turning away and slipping on a black, straight wig. "That's the thing. After what you've been through, are you sure you only needed a week?"

I shrug and adjust the rest of my outfit before walking to the curtain. "Yeah. I'm pretty sure a week is enough."

I stop before walking out and turn my head slightly, letting out a small smile. "Besides, how can I miss Halloween?"

She giggles as she applies her makeup. "Good point. Now shoo! You can't see me until my costume is done."

I wave my hand lazily and walk out. "Yeah, yeah."

  Her laugh flows out from behind the curtain, making me shake my head. I get that she's worried about me, everyone really, but I don't want to be a bother to them all the time. What happened with my mother and Akuma may have been bad, but I've felt worst pain. I don't need them knowing it though. Besides, I'm feeling a lot better after that talk with Kyoya.

  "Hey, Daniel! Check out my costume the twins made me!"

  I turn my head towards Demyx and nearly have a heart attack. He was dressed regular with a dark wig and black contacts, but his shirt was ripped as well as his pants. His face had a sunken in look to it and he had dark, almost black blood oozing out of his mouth and over his fingers.

  Overall, his costume was amazing.

  I touch some of the fake blood and rub it around my fingers

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  I touch some of the fake blood and rub it around my fingers. "Impressive. Are you a zombie?"

  He nods. "Yup!"

  "Why didn't you be a vampire like the guys?"

  He shrugs. "Too cliché. And besides~" he leans closer to me and whispers in my ear. "What better way to scare my boyfriend when he gets here?"

  I shake my head and push him away before he could get blood on my costume.

  "You're so mean."

  He laughs. "I never claimed to be nice."


He chuckles a bit, then gives me a serious look. I raise an eyebrow at him and cross my arms, already knowing what he's going to ask.

Do You Trust Me? (OHSHC/JR: Kyoya x OC) BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now