Chapter 14

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Zoe's POV:

    "....Where the hell is this?" I ask, mumbling a bit. I frown at the large water slide and the tropical forest surrounding the beach that myself and the Host Club were in.

We're in Japan, how the hell did we get a beach here?

   "Ms. Kamijou, that is inappropriate language." Kyoya comments from beside me. "But, to answer your question, you are currently in a theme park that the Ootori group runs, 'Tropical Aqua Garden.'"

   I glance over at him. I can't help but stare at him. Even in a Hawaiian shirt, he looks cool. And hot, if I do say so myself.

   "I thought your family runs a hospital, or did some kind of Medical Therapy work?" Haruhi asks, walking over.

  "Well, it's a diversified enterprise, that does lots of things, but you can say that this is related to therapy." He pushes up his glasses as sparkles start to surround him. "The Ootori Group is always thinking of the happiness of others."

   Haruhi and I share a look.

   "This sounds relentlessly shady." She mumbles.

"It feels so calm." Tamaki comments. "There aren't any guests here that we have to serve, either."

Of course that's why we came here...

"Are you enjoying yourself, Ms. Kamijou?" Kyoya asks, siping his juice.

I shrug. "I would've said yes if you haven't had kidnapped me."

He glances at me. "My apologies. But, Tamaki specifically wanted you and your friends to not know so that you would be surprised."

"So having your family's police force grab me and throw me in your limo makes it okay?" I ask sarcastically.

"You were surprised, were you not?"

I roll my eyes. "Not in a good way."

     "Haruhi, Zoe!"

  We both turn to see Honey and Jade tuning towards us. Jade stops in front of me and has stars in here eyes. "Let's go eat some mango cake!"

   "Where?" I ask quickly.

   Before she could say anything, I stand up and walk over to the mini bar and grab myself a slice of cake. I immediately take a forkful of the sweet treat and eat it. I'm instantly surrounded by bliss.

   I love cake.

   "Leave it to Zoe to actually know where all the food is before anyone could tell her." Faith giggles as she walks over with Demyx.

   I shrug and stuff another bite into my mouth. They laugh at me and I roll my eyes.

   "Hey guys, lets go down the water slide." Hikaru says, walking over.

  Koaru looks us up and down in confusion. "Then again, what's with the pullovers?"

"Tamaki wanted me to wear mine." Haruhi says.

They turn to us. "What about you guys? Jade's wearing hers."

   I glance over at Jade to see her in her one-piece bathing suit. I'm glad it's a fully body one because most of her scars are on her stomach and the middle of her back. Her long red hair was braided in a long braid.

   I swear drop as I realize something: she can't swim

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I swear drop as I realize something: she can't swim.

"I'm not a big fan of big bodies of water." Faith says, playing with her long black hair.

Demyx nods. "Not really my thing, either."

"What about you, Zoe-senpai?" Haruhi asks.

I shrug. "Didn't want to."

No way in hell was I going to let them see the huge scars on my back.

   "Hmm." I here someone him from beside me. I glance over to see Kyoya studying me.

   I raise an eyebrow at him and cross my arms. "Got something to say?"

  He fixes his glasses. "Excuse my rudeness, but why wouldn't you want to?"

   I shake my head and turn away, indicating that I'm done talking. I groan as my eyes land on Renge. When the hell did she get here.

I feel a poke at my forehead and my gaze looks up to see Kyoya again. "You shouldn't frown. It doesn't suit you."


I push his hand away and try to hold in my blush. I don't want him touching me so freely. Not after what happened a few days ago.

I feel Kyoya staring at me, so I turn my back on him and start to walk away. I stop when I feel his hand on my wrist.

Oh gosh. Don't touch me so gently.

I slowly turn back and look up at him.


The sun makes his glasses have a glint in them, making it hard for me to see his eyes. "Why are you avoiding me?"

I glance away. "I'm not-"

"You're lying." Kyoya interrupts.

He moves closer and I instantly back away. But not too much, since his hand is still on my wrist.

"Let go." I say lowly.

He stares at me for a second, then lets go and adjusts his glasses. "My apologies..."

I nod and look away. I just know my cheeks are red. I don't know why I'm feeling like this when I know he doesn't even like me. I glance back at Kyoya to see him glancing back at me.

"Ootori/ Kamijou..." we says t the same time.

I blush harder and turn away again.

"Never mind." I say quickly.

Before he can say anything, we hear a large bump and turn to see Tamaki on the ground holding his head. He slipped on a banana and fell into the pole.


The twins, Jade, Faith and Demyx are laughing, but stop when the water visibly stops moving. I quickly look over at Honey and see a big wave starting to come towards him.

Without saying anything, I take action and run at full speed towards him. I jump into the water and reach out to Honey, just as the wave hits us hard.

The last thing I hear is my name being called as I black out.

Do You Trust Me? (OHSHC/JR: Kyoya x OC) BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now