Chapter 50

67 4 24

Zoe's POV:

*flashback: 6 years old*

"Who will kiss my head, when I lie in bed?
And who will hold my hand?
Who will understand?
Who will sing my song to me?~

  Who will hold me tight in the dark of night?
And who will brush my hair?
Lock me in my chair?
Who will sing my song to me?~

  Who will sing my song to that you~ are~gone~..."

My eyes open once I hear people start to clap. The three judges, which is the school's principal, head nurse and my math teacher, smile at me and write something down on their paper.

"What a lovely performance! Everyone give a round of applause for Ms. Wilkins, everyone!" Our Host, our school's Student Council, exclaims as everyone starts to clap again.

I give a nervous smile as I bow and start to walk back stage. I look for mommy in the crowd when I take my place next to one of the girls who was one of three singers, including me. Once I spot her, she smiles at me and I smile back nervously.

    I was a little nervous about this whole show. I'm not used to singing in front of people, but mommy  practically forced me to join the school's talent show once I told her. I didn't want to, but I also didn't want mommy to be disappointed in me and I hate seeing her sad, so I did it.  As soon as I did, she tried encouraging me to sing and even went as far as picking out my outfit and doing my hair. It did make me laugh at times, but I was still nervous. What if I mess up? Mommy will be sad, she seems more excited than I am.

   When I told her about it, she smiled and said to me "You will be star, baby. Just like me". After that, I started to look forward to the show. How could I not? I want to be a start just like mommy! And mommy wants me to be a start just like her!

  I just didn't know how much...

  My eyes land on our Principle as he stands up with the paper in his hand. "May I have everyone's attention please?"

  Everyone quiets down as he continues. "It is time to announce the winners of  the talent show. We will start with the singers, so please give a round of applause for Ms. Chihiro Rose, Zoe Wilkins and Kiki Star!"

  I felt the butterflies start to act up in my stomach again as I follow Chihiro and Kiki onto the middle of the stage. Chihiro is one of my best friends, she has long, dark brown hair in a ponytail and black eyes.

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Do You Trust Me? (OHSHC/JR: Kyoya x OC) BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now