Chapter 20

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Kyoya's POV:

    Hmm, no information on Mr. Asami either... Just like Jade, Demyx, Faith and Zoe. Strange...

"Hey, Kyoya-senpai?"

"What are you doing?"

I glance up from my book to see Hikaru and Koaru, trying to look over my shoulder to see what I'm writing. I snap my book closed and stand up, adjusting my glasses.

"That is one of your concern." I say. I glance at them and raise an eyebrow. "Shouldn't you two be hosting?"

I let my irritation be known and they both quickly go back towards their table. I let out a small sigh and glance at the clock, frowning a bit. Speaking of hosting, where is Zoe?

   I glance around and spot Tamaki flirting with one of his guests. I walk over and stand behind him, watching as the girl he's currently with faint with hearts in her eyes.

  "Tamaki, have you seen Zoe?"

   He looks back at me and nods. "Ah, she had to take something to our teacher. She should be here any second."

  As soon as he says that, the door opens and Zoe walks in. I can instantly tell that she's irritated by the look in her eyes. I hum and start to write in my book.

  "You're late, Ms. Kamijou." I comment as she passes me.

  She stops and looks back at me. She glares. "I had something to do."

  I tsk and smile at her. "You know that'll add more to your debt."

  She glares at me and turns away, walking back to our table. "If I haven't said it before, then I'll say it again: Drop. Dead."

   I shake my head as she seats herself in her char. She crosses her arms and leans back in the chair, her eyes closed. I can't help but stare at the way her face relaxes a bit. Were he eyelashes always this long?

   "Ooooh, Kyoya-senpai-"

  "Is starring at Zoe-senpai!" I hear Hikaru then Koaru say, laughing.

  I let my dark aura grow and I glare at the twins, my glasses catching that glint of light as I cross my arms. Before I could say anything, Tamaki jumps in.

  "Mommy should not look at daddy's little girl such a way!" He yells. I feel another dark aura begin to darken the room and everyone starts to get scared.

   "First of all," I turn my head to see Zoe, her dark blue eyes glaring at the idiot. "I am not your daughter. Second of all," her cold eyes turn towards the twins. "You guys are annoying, so shut up and do your job. And third. "Her eyes land on me. "Stop starring at me, asshole."

   All is silent as she once again closes her eyes and sits back in her chair. Honey-senpai is the first to speak.

   "Zo-chan is just as scary as Kyo-chan, right Takashi?"

  "Yeah." Mori says, nodding his head.

   "Maybe even scarier..." the twins mumble.

  Jade laughs and pats Honey-senpai's head. "Don't worry, she's always like this when she's irritated."

  So I was right, she is irritated.

   "It's best not to mess with her right now." Demyx adds.

  Faith nods. "Like for the rest of the day."

   "I can hear you, you know." Zoe says, opening one eye and looking at her friends.

  Demyx rolls his eyes. "You were meant to, Daniel."

  He ducks when Zoe throws a pencil at his head. "Quiet, Dave, or we're going to have to fight."

  "No fighting in the Host room!" Tamaki yells.

  "Shut up, Tama-baka, or I'll hurt you." Zoe threatens, causing him to sit in his corner.

  I shake my head and stroll over towards her. "Threatening club members. Shame on you, Ms. Kamijou."

   She shrugs and turns her head away. When she does that, I noticed that her hair is shorter and has blue tips. How did I not notice this earlier? I must've been staring again because she suddenly looks back at me, her arms crossed.

  "What?" She asks.

   I lean closer to her and lightly touch a strand of her black and blue hair. Her eyes widen a bit, but her face stays emotionless as I stare into her eyes.

   "Your hair looks this.."

   As soon as the words leave my mouth, I pull my hand away and walk towards my chair. I can't believe I said that. I? And Ootori? Think something is 'cute'?


  As soon as I sit in my chair, I glance over at her and our eyes meet. She stares for a second, then her gaze casts downward as a very light pink dusts her cheeks.

  "...Thanks..." she murmurs.

   I nod my head and look back down at my notebook, trying to fight the blush coming to my cheeks as well. Get it together, Kyoya! You're an Ootori!

   "You're welcome." I mumble back.

   It's silent between us, but when I glance back at her, our eyes meet for a brief second. I can't help but want to know more about her. She seems to have this unbreakable barrier around her, a wall that I can't quite penetrate.

   Like she's hiding something.


   I get cut off by the door opening.

   "Hello! I would like to join the Host Club!"

  We all turn our attention to the person who spoke. Once I see who it is, I hear Zoe let out a small curse as Kazu walks in.

Zoe's POV:

   I curse as Kazu strolls into the room. What hell! What is he doing?!

  Kazu glances at me and winks. I roll my eyes as the crazed fangirls start to squeal at his little gesture. I turn my gaze away and make eye contact with Jade, silently asking her what's going one. She shrugs and goes back to glaring at Kazu with Faith and Demyx.

   Tamaki stands up and looks at all the guests. "Everyone! The Host Club is now closed for the day."

  All the girls groan and begin to exit the room, one by one. As soon as they're all gone, the rest of the Hosts gather around Kazu, while I stay sitting.

  Tamaki looks him in the eyes. "Hmm, what makes you think you can become a host?"

  Kazu shrugs and runs his hand through his hair. "I just think it will pass the time. I wouldn't mind making girls happy. I am pretty good with the ladies~"

  At his last sentence, he looks at me and flashes a smile. I glare at him and he chuckles.

  "Well, most ladies." He says.

   The Hosts look at each other, then back at him. I glance at my friends to see disapproval in their eyes. I can tell their thinking the same thing as me: what the hell is he up to?

   Tamaki walks up to him and looks him up and down. He puts his hand on his chin and circles him, a dramatic thinking pose on his face.

  Oh god, please tell me he's not considering it.

Tamaki stops walking and stands in front of him. He smiles and holds his hand out for Kazu to shake.

"Welcome to the Host Club!" He says, winking.

You. Have. Got. To. Be. Kidding. Me!

Kazu takes his hand and closes his eyes, flashing a charming smile.

"I can't wait to start working with you guys as 'The Smooth Type'."

This cannot be good...

Do You Trust Me? (OHSHC/JR: Kyoya x OC) BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now