Chapter 46

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Zoe's POV:

   Why did I agree to come here? And with the Hosts', of all people. I just wanted to have a good day alone to rest without having to see them. But, there is no such thing as "alone" when it comes to these guys.

  Which is why we're here in Karuizawa now.

I sigh and lean on the table, watching Misuzu-san talking with Haruhi and the guys. Except for Kyoya, who is doing god knows what on his pineapple laptop. Speaking of Kyoya, ever since Tamaki called us this morning, he didn't say anything to me. Not that I mind, I don't talk that much anyway. But so far today, he's been keeping to himself while glancing at me here and there.

I wonder what's wrong...

   "I feel like something is going to happen."

  I glance over at Jade. "What do you mean?"

  Jade shrugs and leans back on the bench, flower petals falling in her red hair. She was wearing a polkadot apron with matching bows, that Misuzu-san made for her. I have to say, she looked really cute in it, but I refused to wear the bright pink one he made.

 I have to say, she looked really cute in it, but I refused to wear the bright pink one he made

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  Jade crosses her arms and looks at me. "I don't really know. Just something."

  I hum and pick up my teacup. "Maybe..."

  "Jade, is this why you turned down my invitation to hangout with me and Takashi?" Honey asks, walking over to her.

  Jade nods and smiles at him. "Sorry, Honey. I had promised Haruhi that I would go."

  He nods and jumps on my lap, looking up at me. "How come you didn't go, Zo-chan?"

  I shrug and continue to drink my tea, I'm too tired to answer.

  "She didn't want to go." Haruhi answers for me.

  "Oh? And why is that?" Hikaru says, standing in my right.

  "Was it because you wanted to hangout with Kyoya-senpai?" Kaoru asks, standing to my left and leaning close to my face with his brother.

From the corner of my eye, I see both Kyoya and Kazu flame at me. Is that anger I see on Kazu's face? I blink at him, but when he catches me looking, he plants a smirk on his face. But, I could tell it was forced. I ignore him for now and give the twins a look, pushing push their faces away and grabbing my tea.

"Guys, leave her alone." Haruhi says to them.

"Aww! We just wanted to know!" They both say, pouting at her.

"And on top of that, why did you turn your phone off, Haruhi?" Hikaru asks.

  "You can't do that!" Kaoru adds.

Do You Trust Me? (OHSHC/JR: Kyoya x OC) BOOK 2Where stories live. Discover now