“I want to be on top next time.”

“Okay,” I nodded then said distantly, “We need more condoms.”

She went back the mirror, setting the hairdryer up. “We’ll get more on the way home.” I deflated a little—I kind of wanted to do that closet thing… “Oh, I figured out my kink.”

“Yeah? Tell me.”

“You have to figure it out.” She turned the dryer on and started blowing it over her hair. So we’re playing this kind of game, huh? Whatever—it should be easy enough. But then again it’s Hunter, so maybe not. It’s probably a talking thing; she likes talking. Maybe she has a foot fetish. Ha! That would be funny.

But really, what could it be?


“Hunter, c’mon!” I called up the stairs. Turning to Sean, who’d just arrived, I rolled my eyes. As soon as Lemon was through the door she ran upstairs to Hunter and I heard the door slam, and they’ve been up there for twenty minutes—probably purposefully avoiding being there when Sean walked in.

“Lemon looks cute,” I said to him.

“Not really a surprise,” He mumbled, looking around.

I heard a door open upstairs and their shoes knocking against the floor. “I just have to fix my contacts.” Hunter called down.

“Just put your glasses on…” I groaned.

“I’m not walking in there looking like a nerd.”

“Who cares?!”

“Niall, it’ll take like two seconds. Calm down.”

I frowned, and grumbled to myself, “Don’t fucking tell me to calm down.” Sean snickered at our bickering. Another two minutes later they finally started their climb down the stairs. Hunter’s eyes were a little red from messing with her contacts, but it took nothing away from how pretty she looked. I greeted her with a kiss on the cheek, our bickering forgotten, and complimented how she was definitely worth the wait.

Sean and Lemon however gave each other and awkward ‘hey’, staring at each other for a couple seconds, before looking away. It was weird to see Sean like this. Usually he was smooth and charming, kind of like Harry, but it seemed like he completely forgot who he was around Lemon. Actually, now that I think about it, he’s always been kind of weird around her. He never wanted to acknowledge that they were friends, but he still wanted to impress her while we all were together. I didn’t understand him.

“Doesn’t Lemon look pretty?” Hunter said pointedly at Sean, trying to get him to speak. Lemon turned red as we all waited for an awkward amount of time for him to respond. She couldn’t even look at him.

“Yeah, you look good,” He coughed. “Are we ready?”

“Shit, I need a purse.” Hunter said starting to go back up the stairs. I grabbed her hand though, stopping her from getting anywhere.

“No you don’t.”

“Where am I going to put my phone then? And what if they give us something?”

I groaned in exasperation. “I’ll hold your phone if you need me to.” She finally agreed and I dragged her towards the door before she could think of anything else to think she needed. We all piled into Sean’s car, Lemon sitting in the front passenger seat and Hunter and I in the back. I eyed Sean in the mirror, silently telling him to do something but he just glanced towards her as he started the car.

Hunter moved closer to me and whispered, “This is so awkward.” It was ridiculous that her whispering turned me on, but it did. I pushed it away though, telling myself to wait until later.

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