“Water’s good.” She panted.

“Don’t break my bed.”

I walked into the kitchen and got two glasses out of the cupboard before holding one under the purifier on the sink faucet and turning it on to fill it. I watched the water run and thought about how this week was gonna go. So far, the first four hours have been great—except for Snap, but that was over quickly. I switched glasses and put the other under the waterI’m like a husband getting water for his wife. Well maybe not exactly like that, but kind of.

But maybe it’s a little early in our relationship to start comparing us to a married couple…

After turning the faucet off, with both glasses in hand, I sipped from one and I climbed the stairs. I couldn’t hear her jumping, so I assumed she’d started unpacking, which I found out was true when I walked into my room. She was bent over her suitcase, making the lacy part of her sock things visible, and I took my chance to kick her bum. She shot up, turning to face me with a fake scowl.

“Hey.” I greeted with a smile as I handed her the glass of water.

She took a sip before returning my smile. “Hiiii.”

“You’re very awake…I thought you’d be tired.”

“It’s…” She glanced at the clock. “It’s only five in the afternoon for me. And I slept on the plane.”

“Oh, I forgot about jetlag…”

She shrugged, “Just means I’ll sleep in a bit. I’ll try not to though.”

“No, you can. All my classes this week don’t start until ten…so five am for you. I’ll wake you up to say goodbye, then by the time you actually wake up, I’ll be back already.”

“That sounds good.”

I laced my free hand with hers as I took a large gulp of water. “I wish I didn’t have classes at all though.”

“It’ll be okay. I’ll be chilling here…or with Lemon.”

“You like Lemon, then? Now that you’ve spoken in person?” She nodded. “What’d you do after you landed?”

She brought our hands up so I could see her fingers. I was just now noticing her fingernails were dark blue and shinier than usual. “We got our nails done, then she showed me the video that you haven’t posted yet. I think it might be my new favorite.”

“You always say that,” I rolled my eyes.

“Well, it’s the truth.”

There was a pause as we both took a simultaneous drink from our glasses, looking over the rim at each other. As I brought the glass down, I licked my lips and glanced at the bed, rumpled from her jumping on it.

“So um…it’s only nine-thirty,” I said quietly. “What do you want to do?” The deep blush from earlier crawled over her face as she looked towards the bed. “It’s up to you.” I added. She was quiet for a while and her eyes moved to her feet. What’s she so embarrassed about? “What are you thinking?”

“I planned on…doing something…but…”

“But what?”

“I um…can’t…today.”

“Ooh,” I said knowingly. She was always so weird about this, but I didn’t mind—it’d be weird if it didn’t happen. “That’s okay. I didn’t even mean like…if you wanted to do something, I just meant something to pass the time.”

She shrugged, “You look tired.”

“I am.” I admitted. Soccer always wore me out. “But I’ll stay up for you.”

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