“Yeah, he’s good. He’s played for me before.”

“That’s adorable.” I rolled my eyes, “I’m actually looking forward to this. Should be some good tunes.” Louis, Chip and El came over to join mine and Zayn’s conversation. After talking for a bit I learned that that was some big band playing first and I wondered how they would fit a ‘big band’ into Emilio’s at first. I hope they don’t something boring like Mozart or some shit…

As the minutes passed more people started filling up the lobby area and a buzz of excitement could be felt coming off everyone. It was making me even more eager as the anticipation starting building. I looked around to see all who was here—the ratio of who I did and didn’t know was growing uneven with the more people that walked in.

I spotted Marcel and Gemma walking through the entrance and called them over, waving obnoxiously and jumping around. “Marcel! Gemma!” I laughed. They made their way towards me and I was greeted by a big hug from Gemma. Marcel and I exchanged awkward hellos before he pulled me into a hug. He hugged me. Cautiously I hugged him back, and this time he didn’t even flinch. When he pulled away his face was pink as he gave me a smile.

He looked down at his feet then back up to me, “We’re wearing the same shoes.” He said. I looked down too and smiled. We were both wearing white converse, and I laughed a little at how much bigger his were than mine.

“I glad you got my converse signal.” I joked, kicking at his foot a little. Looking up the rest of his outfit, I noticed he was dressed a bit like Harry again. He wore black jeans—which I was weirdly also wearing—and a tucked in blue button-up shirt. I smirked at him, “Button your damn shirt up. This isn’t Magic Mike, you animal.”

“It was hot in my house…” He blushed.

“Oh my gosh, is this him? Marcel? Hello! Hi.” Brice said happily. “Oh wow, I said I would cry when I saw you and here I am tearing up. You are cute and small…but not small at all. Are you taller than Harry?”

Marcel glanced at me nervously before gulping and turning back to Brice, “Uh…he’s a bit taller than me.” I laughed at him.

“She’s harmless.” I whispered to him.

“You are just about the cutest thing.Oh mon Dieu!” Marcel looked at me surprised and I mouthed ‘she’s French’ to him. “When are these doors opening? I want to get a good seat.” Before anyone could answer her, the doors opened and the sea of people spilled into the theater. “Oh, there we are.”


“Are you excited?” I said enthusiastically to Marcel, sitting on my right. “Does Harry sing a lot at home?”

He shrugged, “Yeah, I guess.”

“Oh please, he wouldn’t shut up about it this morning.” Gemma said from the other side of Marcel.

“Shut up.” Marcel snapped. Oh my… Gemma only laughed. I smiled at them before looking behind me at the packed theater. Some people had given up finding a seat so they just sat in the isle. For some reason it made me proud of Niall and Harry and the girl Zayn’s dating and whoever else was performing. They all had the place spilling with people, here just to watch them. It was cool.

Turning back forward, I looked over the setup of chairs and music stands on the stage. There were a couple on precision instruments already waiting for the show to start. All of a sudden the lights turned off and we were all left in the pitch black. A confused murmur filled the room.Shit, what’s happening? Is someone about to attack? Is this how my fucking summer ends?! I heard footsteps on the stage and my heart was pounding with fear.

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