Yes! I like when Niall’s buzzed. He’s funny. But he’s also exactly the same as he usually is only a little more blunt and flirty. I could have a serious conversation with him—like now— or flirt shamelessly without being questioned—like I’m about to do—because he’ll barely remember it anywayPerfect!

“Hey, Ni?”


“I want something…” I tilted my head as I looked into his oblivious eyes.

“Like what?”

I smiled, “Like…” I walked my first two fingers down to the button of his shorts. “This.”

“Really?!” he laughed and I nodded. “It’s yours baby, where do you want it? When?” It’s mine?!

“Hold on there, tiger. I want some info first.”

“You want everything, don’t you?” He smirked. “What info?”

I ran my fingers over the apex of his shorts, skimming over what was underneath. He grunted. “We’re playing your true or not true game.”

“No games, Hunter.” He growled.

“But I know you like games.”

He pouted, “Not during times like this.” I ignored him.

“First question,” I mumbled. I increased the pressure on my hand a little, making him squirm a bit. “You got with someone at that party.”

“No, you weren’t there.” Butterflies.

I smiled, kissing him once. That’s all I really wanted to know. The rest of this is just for my own pleasure. I gave him another, harder, kiss. “You want me to press harder.” I whispered.

I deflated when he shook his head. “Get in the pool with me.” My eyebrows shot up in surprise. Nightly swim? Should I? His hands squeezed at my back side with a cocky smirk. “Or kiss me.”

“Those aren’t even on the same level.” I laughed.

“Not true if I have anything to do with it.” He didn’t give me a chance to smile before he crushed his lips to mine, his tongue already down my throat. I squeaked in surprise, making his chest rumbled with what sounded like a chuckle. He leaned forward until I was on my back underneath him and our breathing picked up. I wrapped my legs around him, my hands fisted his hair, and sounds of crickets and moaning filled the air as we rubbed against each other.

Suddenly he pulled back, gasping as if he just remembered something. “Sleepover after B’s fancy dinner!” I giggled at his random thought. “No, really. I know both your parents will be gone and so will Greg; it’s perfect!”

“Perfect for what, exactly…?” I questioned. Is he talking about just making out, or more? Maybe this is just the beer talking. He did taste heavily of beer…

“For anything.”

I pretended to think about it. “Sure I’ll sleepover.”

“Yes, Hunter.” He laughed before pushing himself off of me. “We’ll finish this then.” Finish?! “You know it’s four in the morning?”

“It is?!”

“Only you would fall asleep outside. You’re so weird.” He started getting to his feet, but I lunged towards him, tackling him to the ground. “Argh!” He grunted as I fell on top of him.

“Sleep with me.” I whispered. His eyes got impossibly wide and I knew exactly what he was thinking for once. “N—no, not like that! Not right now. I mean out here with me…” He was still tense under me. No, Niall. Please don’t get weird. I placed my ear over his heart, snuggling on top of him, to try to get him to relax. His heart was pounding in his chest and I started to get worried. Is he okay? “Ni?”

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