I kicked the covers off me and stormed, to the best of my hung-over ability, towards the door. He got there first, slamming the door and leaning against it. We glared at each other, panting with anger. If he’s so worried about his and Eileen’s relationship, then he should be with her. I didn’t need his help; I’ve gotten out of situations like that perfectly fine without his help. He should’ve fucking stayed with her.

Unsolicited, angry hot tears pricked my eyes as a faded memory of Alec from last night crossed my mind. He was mocking me about that night he kicked me out of his car— laughed at me. He thought I was pathetic and a waste of space. I was nothing to him—lower than dirty and worthy to be spat on. I remember seeing Eileen smirking behind him, doing nothing to stop him…just like she did the night he left me on the highway. Why didn’t I stay mad at her for that? I should’ve never forgiven her. I should’ve told everyone what she did to make them see how evil she is.

I remember Niall and Brice stepping in front of me, and that was all my memory could recall. Faintly the vision of Liam, Dan and Harry standing from the seats presented itself, but I couldn’t remember anything else.

Niall raised his hand to brush my tears away with his thumb, only for them to be replaced again. My breathing stuttered as I looked up at him. He looked so concerned for me, like I was about to go into surgery. A sob ripped through me and I buried my face in his chest so he wouldn’t see. He hugged me close to him, petting my messy hair to sooth me.

“Don’t be mad at me.” I sobbed. “Please, I didn’t mean to make you mad.”

“It’s hard for me to be mad at you, Hunter.” He muttered into my hair. “Even when you say stupid things when you’re drunk.” What did I say to him?!

“I’m sorry.” He didn’t say anything, he just held me to his chest. It didn’t take long for Eileen to creep back into my mind though. Did she really bring Alec there, on purpose? Why would she do that to make a scene at Brice’s birthday? Oh, shit Brice. “I have to call Brice.” I gently pushed out of his arms and grabbed my phone off the desk, dialing her number.

“Hunter!” She sighed. “I am happy that you are okay.”

I let out a breathy laugh, “Yeah, I’m okay. I’m so sorry I ruined your birthday Brice. I’ll make it up to you.” I rushed. Niall came and sat next to me on my bed—too close. I moved away, avoiding eye contact because I knew he was staring.

“Hunter, you did not ruin my birthday party. It was that snake Eileen; she invited him! I had a verylong talk with her afterwards. I shouted and cursed!” I saw red, my fingers squeezing around the phone. Only Eileen could make Brice that upset. “I am completely finished with her, Hunter. If I do not see it for another thirty years, it will be too soon.” I closed my eyes and rubbed my forehead.

“You and me both, Bricey.”

“I actually have to go; work and things….stuff…work and stuff. Maybe you and I can hang out again. You, me, Liam and Niall…or Harry; whoever you prefer.”

“Yeah, we’ll see, have fun at work.”

“I guarantee I will not. Bye!” I hung up and fell back against my mattress. There are so many blanks that need filling, it’s making me tired. I felt Niall lie down next to me, but I didn’t have the energy to move away from him again.

After a couple minutes he broke the silence.

“So, I’m a good kisser, huh?” He always says the most random things…

I frowned at him, “What?” A smug smirk slid across his face as he turned on his side looking down at me.

“You said so in the car last night. I was flattered.” I rolled my eyes. There’s nothing I can do about it now; you can’t take words back. It doesn’t matter anyway because it’s true. “You miss snogging me?”

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