“Hey,” I jumped at the sudden deep accent next to me, but relaxed when I saw it was Niall. But then I tensed again…because it’s Niall. “Sorry.” He apologized.


He looked at every inch of my face before locking his blue eyes on mine. Didn’t I tell him I don’t like being looked at? “What’s up?” was all he said.

“I’m um…shopping.” I held a carton of juice up. “What about you?”

“I’m here with Eileen.”

I raised my eyebrows as I looked at the juices. “Oh?”

He nodded, “Yeah…she’s not so bad when you get to know her.” I laughed breathily because obviously I already know that if I’ve been friends with her—on and off—for three years. He stepped closer and rested a hand on the juice self. I felt him staring at me, but I didn’t want to look back at him. “So…ehm…about the other day…I don’t want you to think—”

“There you are!” Someone shouted. We both turned around to see Eileen making a bee-line towards us. I was a bit annoyed that she’d cut Niall off, but maybe we’ll get to talk another time. “Oh, hey Hunter!”

“Hi.” I smiled cordially.

“Guess who I saw.” She bounced an eyebrow at me, but I just gave her a confused look. “Alec! Maybe you can rekindle that flame.” I dropped a carton of juice on the floor, and I thanked God it didn’t splat open. As I picked it up, anger boiled inside me. How dare she mention him! Why does his name keep popping up?! She can’t just throw his name around like what I had with him ended on good terms. Eileen just doesn’t think sometimes and it pisses me off.

“Who’s Alec?” Niall said, trying to catch my attention.

Eileen and I spoke at the same time.

“No one.” I mumbled.

“Some guy.” She said waving a hand. “Well, Hunter, we’ll catch you later, okay?” She curled her hand around Niall’s forearm as she leaned on him. I stared at her manicure fingers on his skin, feeling strange about it. Did they already get to the touchy level while I was busy avoiding him? “I saw Lou back that way, if you’re looking for him.”

I nodded, “Yeah…see you around.” As I watched them walk away, I had an urge to throw a juice carton at Eileen…for more reasons than one.


I went to work an hour early, in hopes of stimulating my bored mind. Elena seemed happy to have an extra set of hands though as she quickly put me to work. I milled about, doing my usual waitress/busgirl things. I was all running smoothly until Eileen and Niall walked in together. Of all the restaurants, they had to come here.

“Hey! It’s music boy!” Elena said clapping me on the back. “Eat with him?”

“Not today, Elena.” I rushed away before she could force me to go sit with him and Eileen, but in my escape, I accidently bumped into someone. It hurt me more than them considering he looked at me as if a feather brushed against him. I smiled at him, receiving a crooked smirk. Oh god, his eyes. “Sorry about that.”

“It’s alright.” Oh god, the accent.

“You okay?”

He paused, before giving me a nod, “Yeah, are you?”

“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine.”

“Are you new? I’ve never seen you here before.”

I shook my head, “I usually come later, but I had nothing else to do so…why not come to work?”

FriendzonedTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon