Louis served the ball up, sending it right to Niall who tapped it up for Liam. He wasted no time in spiking it to the ground, his arm and chest muscles flexing, making the crowd so crazy. I clapped happily for him. It was all tied up now; only one set left.

Liam served, sending it to Chip who slapped it to the far side of the court. Niall had to sprint and dive to save it, causing half the crowed to suck in a nervous gasp. He was successful though, passing the ball perfectly to Liam so he could gently, just barely, tap it over the net. Niall ran up behind him jumping on his back as they cheered. Louis and Chip weren’t even upset they lost; they even went over congratulate them. Within seconds the whole crowd was on the court just making noise.

I stood up from my towel and looked around for my parents, but they were nowhere to be found. I did see Louis though. “Lou!” He whipped around before jogging over to me, shirt in hand.

“How fun was that?!” Excitement still laced his voice, clearly still running high on the adrenaline. “You have to do the girls’ one. Redeem the family name since those two beat us.” He laughed.

“It was a close game though.”

“Yeah,” he shrugged. “What are you doing tonight?” His blue t-shirt was pulled over his head as he spoke.

“Niall invited me over.”

“Oh, is he having people over?”

I shook my head, “Not that I know of. I think it’s just us.” He gave me his signature look, letting out a heavy breath. It was the ‘older brother’ look. “Relax.”

“Chip and I are friends with the kid, but if he does something to you we’ll make his legs bend the other way. See how good he is at sports then…” I rolled my eyes. “I’m serious.”

“I know, but that’s not necessary.”

He hooked his hand on my back of my head as he pressed a kiss to my forehead. “Have fun…but be good, Hunter.” He said earnestly, looking me in the eye.

“Wait, where are you going?”

“After party with Chip…in the city.”

“Oh, have fun.” He kissed me on the forehead again before running off to follow the dispersing crowd. I pulled my phone out to see I had a text from my mom.

Mom: Goodnight sweetheart!

Well then.

“Hunter!” I looked up to see Niall running towards me—like charging towards me. I put a hand up trying to hold him back, but it did little to stop him. He engulfed me in in his sweaty arms with enough force to almost knock us both over. My arms were at my sides as he squeezed me, his chin resting on my shoulder. Oh god…

“Congrats on the win.” I grunted. He released me, pulling back with a big smile.

“Tell me you’re doing the girls’ one.” I playfully shoved his shoulder.

“Why? So you can watch me get all sweaty in a bikini?”

“Well didn’t you come to this so you could see me all sweaty?”

I blushed, but thank goodness it was getting dark so he couldn’t see. “I think you have me confused with your groupies.”

He took the snapback off his head to mess with his hair before putting it back on. “I have groupies?” See what I mean?

“You know the ones…”

“I don’t know what you’re saying.” He said shaking his head. “Let’s go.”

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