I think I heard someone gasp when I sat down with him…but I’m not sure. It’s pretty loud in here.

“Would you like a drink?” She said sweetly. Here we go, another girl begging for Niall’s attention.

But Niall didn’t even glance at her—he looked up at me. “Thirsty?” I shook my head. “I’ll have a water.” He said. I looked up at Abby From Israel, feeling a little bad for her. Personally, I thought she was pretty, and maybe if Niall just looked at her, he would think so too. Maybe I should help her out.

“Hey Niall, don’t you think Abby’s necklace looks like mine?” He turned his head toward her for literally, not even a second, before facing me again.

“Yeah, they’re similar.” I slumped in the seat, giving up. Abby lingered for another moment before finally leaving, which is when Niall took his sunglasses off. Looking around the restaurant, saw a lot of girls were staring at us. I leaned my head on my hand, turning away from the unwanted attention “You look nice.”

Ah, the daily ‘you look nice’ comment. I actually like that. “Thanks.”

He cleared his throat, “So, uh, what are you doing tonight?”

“Going to Chip and Lou’s volleyball thing on the beach.” I groaned.

“Oh, you’re going to that? I was just going to ask you to come and root for me and Liam…but I guess you’ll be rooting for Lou.”

“I don’t know, maybe I’ll clap for you…once.” He laughed, causing Abby to look at him curiously when she came back with his water.

“Are you ready to order?” She asked.

Niall leaned forward on his elbows, “What are you getting?” He asked me. I shrugged causing him to roll his eyes. “You never know.” He looked up at Abby. “I’ll have a burger with everything on it…and chips…and…hmm…”

“Get the cheesy peppers. They’re good.” I suggested with small smile.

“Yeah and I’ll have that too.” He looked at me again, his eyes scanning me for a bit before his eyes met mine. “You can have one of my chips.”

“Just one?” I giggled.

He nodded, completely serious. “Yeah, just one.” Abby didn’t say anything. She just kept looking back and forth between us. Lately, I’m starting to discover my hatred for not knowing what people are thinking—but I can’t really do anything about. She lingered again before Niall looked at her asking if there was anything else. She went white before shaking her head and scurrying away.

We sat in silence as we waited for his food. I tried not to stare at him because that would’ve been weird if he caught me—even though he was the only thing for me to look at. Instead, I looked at the table, and played with my hair to keep my hands busy. It’s getting ridiculous that Niall and I are still so awkward around each other; we’re both party animals and friendly people. So why can’t we talk normally to each other?

“Wanna come over tonight? After the volleyball thing?” He asked.

I hesitated, but not long enough for him to notice. “Yeah, sure.”

“My mom is leaving, so if you stay long enough it’ll be just you, me and Greg.” He picked at something on the table. “I mean you don’t have to, it’s just something to do.”

“I’ll be over.” I reassured. He smiled at me showing his perfect teeth. He told me a week ago, I think, that he had braces—and I just couldn’t imagine him with them. I always wanted braces so I could have perfect teeth, but when I told Niall, he said my teeth were fine as they are. “Are you going to have a party?”

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