Chapter 55

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"Man's true nature being lost, everything becomes his nature; as, his true good being lost, everything becomes his good."

Blaise Pascal

There have been many legends that depict how the world will end. Some say the demons were their reckoning, and the end days were already upon them. Others thought that the demons were only a warning, that the fate of all the people had yet been decided.

Caedmon knew better. There was always a way to fix things, to help those who required it. That was his greatest strength, to know who needed him.

His companions needed him, but there was nothing he could do.

As the stones moved to close, his final glimpse of them was as the lava surged over them, consuming them in a fiery inferno.

They were gone.

Just like that.

Grief and guilt swirled deep within him. He had led them here. It was his fault they were gone. He kicked at the shadowed barrier. He cursed.

Eyes sliding to where Lilith and Rosie cowered against the back, his anger eased slightly. He was not alone in this, but he couldn't let anyone else get hurt from his actions.

He banged his hands against the shadows until Guardian's gaze slid to him. "Let us go! You have already stolen our friends. What more could you need?"

No response came.

Lilith pulled him back gently. "There is nothing more to do." She tugged at his arm, leading him and Rosie back the way they had came.


Swirling her finger in the crimson pool, Demonica grinned. "Any minute now." She turned her gaze to the creature resting beside her. "Gather your friends. It is time to begin our reign."

The door to her realm was barely open, but she knew it was big enough to call a few at a time. Now that the archer and his friends were disposed of, her agent would take care of the others. Standing, her dress swirled around, moved by an invisible wind.

No lights washed through the cavern, but she knew the path well enough to travel without it. Feet bare, her hair was a tangle of knots around her head. She finally looked as free as she felt.

Through the twists of the tunnel she embraced the stench that rose around her. It is glorious.

Or disgusting.

Demonica blinked. Brushing off the thought, she continued forward.

She emerged into the cavern with the iron cages staggered along the edges, empty now. The sounds of her creatures grew to a cacophony when she emerged. In the centre of the stone cavern sat a blazing fire. Crossing through the crowd, she ascended a wooden stage placed in front of the roaring fire.

Her eyes scanned the room. It was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen. Clearing her throat, she called, "The humans are in chaos, and that is where we thrive."

The roar was deafening.

"We will kill their leaders, and in the confusion, slaughter all." Raising her arms, she slowly turned so that all could see her face. "No mortal soul will remain once we succeed. The souls we take will open the door, and this world will become ours. We are the end of humanity. We are death!"

A smile curled her ruby lips. Their time was here.


Kneeling, Declan ran his hand through the grass. Light dappled through the trees, flickering in his vision. Adjusting his grip on the bow, he stood and followed the trail.

He was so close.

This time he would finally kill her. There would be no more death, no more suffering. Pain sliced across his mind. Falling to his knees, he dropped the bow.

You wish to save all, archer. I have seen into the depths of your soul, your heart's truest desires, and deem you worthy. You may enter.


Wrapping her hands around the cage's bars, Katherine growled in frustration. The stench of two many bodies crushed together was nearly suffocating. She wished she could use magic like Netta. Perhaps then she could help everyone escape.

Swivelling around, she was astonished to see a man creeping towards the cage. He approached her, and her heart swelled with hope. They concocted their escape plan, and she soon found herself swarmed with the creatures.

If only she could stop them. A tingling sensation ran through her arms and her vision blurred.

Your bond is strong, your quest true. You wish to prove yourself. I have seen into the depths of your soul, your heart's truest desires, and deem you worthy. You may enter.


"Please, Bronto, at least let us discuss this." Orelius kept a tight grip on the horse's reins.

Bronto closed his eyes and heaved a sigh. The quiet rejection pierced through Orelius's being and he stepped back, eyes turning away.

"Orelius...Perhaps tonight, after I return with the scouting party."

"Of course."

Watching his dearest friend ride away, Orelius could feel his heart burning, curling in upon itself.

Your heart is large, bleeding from all it contains. I have seen into the depths of your soul, your heart's truest desires, and deem you worthy. You may enter.


Numbness spread through Caedmon now. His moves were thoughtless as he stumbled along the tunnel, not registering the cuts and scrapes from the rough stone walls. No light guided their path, but nothing was said.

The loss hung heavily over them all.

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