Chapter 20

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"So then he said, 'Why you little wench, bring me my mead' and she left to get it. When she returned so threw it at his head and hit him straight in the face!"

Laughter erupted in the clearing. Declan tried to suppress his chuckle at the bandit's story. All the men were seated by the fire, feasting on a roasted boar. Katherine and Rosie sat on either side of him, picking at the food on their own dishes. After the deal had been made between them and Orelius they had been treated as guests of the highest honour in the gathering.

"Ho! An excellent story to entertain out guests!" Orelius lifted his copper goblet in his right hand and smiled.

Declan raised his own glass in reply, nodding in acknowledgement. He needed to play the part. There was so much at stake. When conversations resumed amongst the men Katherine leaned close to him and whispered, "I need to speak to you about something. After the meal, when everyone leaves."

Many things flitted through his mind, but nothing came forward. He dismissed Katherine's statement, pushing it to the back of his mind. He had more important things to worry about at the moment. Quickly he ate the remainder of his salted pork and stale bread. He couldn't be sure when he would have a meal like this again. Often he would go days without food, so a meal like this was treasured.

Soon the other bandits began to disperse. Some faded into the surrounding trees and others made their ways back to the caves. Declan stood and stretched. His muscles where beginning to tighten from lack of use. He eyed the men remaining in the clearing. Most were now gone, but there were still a few that continued to socialize around the fire.

Katherine stood up and stepped back behind the tree. Declan watched her retreating figure before turning to Rosie. He knelt down in front of her so he could meet her gaze. He still got an eerie feeling around her. He had so many questions about her existence after the fire but knew that it would likely be a while before he had a chance to ask her.

"Rosie, can you wait here for a few minutes? I will be right back."

Glaring at him, she crossed her arms. "Why? So you can go and talk to that witch?"

"Rosie, please. Katherine is not a witch. I need to talk to her about some important things right now. Just wait and I will come right back." He reached up and ruffled her hair with his hand. He stood up and crossed to where Katherine had disappeared and slipped into the darkness.

He had only gone a few paces when a hand snaked out and grabbed his arm. "Archer, where are you going? Now disappearing yet, are you?" Orelius stepped out from the gloom. His eyes gleamed in the darkness. The sharp angles of his face reminded Declan of a bird and his eyes of a reptile. "I was thinking during the meal about your little quest."

"And what conclusion have you come to? You are not backing out, are you?"

"Oh no my dear boy!" He slapped Declan lightly on the shoulder. "No! Why, I was only thinking that I might come with you. To work as an extra sword, if you will."
"And why would you want to do that?" Declan's eyebrows creased in confusion. This was a strange turn of events.

"Why would I want to come with you? You have much to learn." He gestured to the forest. "Walk with me? I find the brain works best when in motion." Declan followed as they started through the trees. "You see, I am a bandit. That is something I do not try to hide."

"And it is something to be proud of? You rob the innocent of the things they work so hard to earn."

Orelius wagged a finger at Declan. "Then you really do not know our ways here. We do enjoy pillaging until our hearts are content but rarely do we take from those that cannot afford to replace. As a bandit, we are foremost business men, keen and wise in the realm of merchant work. It is only in dire times that we steal from the poor or even kill."

The Archer (A Tale Of Heroes & Demons Book 1)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora