Chapter 52

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"A revolution is not a bed of roses. A revolution is a struggle between the future and the past."

Fidel Castro

Many days passed as they climbed. The air grew colder, and the desolate landscape began to morph into a frigid place where snow graced the path and continued to hinder their already slow pace. Their supplies dwindled, and no life emerged to help replenish it.

The aches of hunger dulled their senses, and the close quarters offered by the mountain path made the group irritable.

It was on the same day that their resources completely ran out that they came to the end of the path. This time, however, they were met with two entrances.

Around the edges of the entrances, inscriptions in a strange language were embedded in the stone.

Orelius strode forward and peered at the shapes. "Stratian," he whispered. It had been years since he had seen this language.

Moving to stand beside Caedmon, he peered at the inscriptions as well. "Do you know what these say?"

"No." Orelius stepped back. His face cleared of any recognition as he turned to the others. "Perhaps we should split up to see where both tunnels lead?"


Orelius was surprised that Katherine agreed with him. He looked at her carefully. She was pale, shoulders hunched and the spark in her eye was gone. She was downtrodden.

He turned to look back at the entrance. He scanned the inscriptions.

All that enter must also remain.

He pondered the words. He did not know where the tunnels lead, but only knew they had no other choice but to go forward. "I will go this way with the hero and Lady Katherine. The archer, Lilith, and Rosie can go the other way."

Declan was angry. "Why should you choose the parties?"

"Because it seems the most sensible, does sit not, archer?" Orelius cocked an eyebrow. "Both you and Lilith can protect yourselves and a charge. Katherine is almost dead on her feet, and Caedmon and I can watch over her. Do not worry your pretty face. Everyone will be safe."

Katherine was leaning heavily on Declan's arm, and he transferred her over to Caedmon before he stocked forward.


Lilith's voice startled the two men into complacency. She glared at them, her face cold. "We will do as the fair Orelius has decreed. It is a logical conclusion, and shall therefore offer no more debate." Lilith leaned down and too Rosie's hand into her own before gliding across the earth towards Declan.

"I am going to investigate the tunnel. Will you join me, or leave this unfortunate child defenseless?"

Without another glance at the rest of them, the three souls departed into the mountain.

Rubbing the back of his neck, Orelius shrugged slightly. "That was...strange."

Caedmon's face was a stone mask. "I have a feeling that strange doesn't begin to describe it." He wrapped an arm around Katherine and pulled her closer to himself, supporting more of her weight.

Something nasty sprung from within Orelius and curled itself up to rest in his stomach. He turned away quickly. "We should start travelling then, as well."

The darkness offered no reprieve as they wound their way through the tunnel. They were fortunate to be able to craft some torches from the remains of their supplies, but had to travel with no food or water. They could not tell if they were climbing or descending, for the windings and lack of markers confused them.

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