Chapter 16

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The Forest Bandits

"When the mountain quaked / Like an elbow's nudge / Like a shout that something is wrong / The people awoke and / Knew, yes, knew, that bandits had come."

- Shannon Hale

Squeezing his eyes closed even tighter, Declan took a deep breath. The tangy metallic smell of blood filled his nostrils and ever sense of his being. The sound of voices carried through the air and reached his ears.

He didn't dare move, instead choosing to crack his eyes open slightly. Once again he was in a cave, but the crackling of the fire told him he was aboveground or in a place with exits nearby to the surface. He shifted his right hand slightly, rubbing it against the ground. The softer texture told him he was laying on a dirt floor. So we're not underground.

As he listened to the voices carrying over the air he was able to decipher several distinct people. He guessed that there were about five to seven people seated to his left, probably around the fire. As for the rest of the cave he was unsure of how many others could be around.

Declan rolled his right leg slightly, trying to feel if his dagger was still in his boot. He could feel disappointment gnawing at his stomach when he felt the emptiness against his leg. He tried to think of a plan, somehow that he could escape. This was hardly the most compromising position that he had been in before. What he could not understand was why he wasn't tied up. Surely they would want to keep their hostage bound, even gagged.

Cracking his eyelids open slightly, Declan had to wait a few moments before his eyes adjusted to the dim light. Through the sliver of light he could see the men as they hunched over by the fire. Sitting against the wall opposite Declan sat his bow and quiver. He couldn't see if his daggers were over there too.

After a few minutes one of the men stood up and clapped his hands. "Well, it appears our friend here will probably not wake up for a while yet, so I am going to head off to get some rest. We have big things planned for him and his companions and I want to be at my full potential when he wakes." The man, dressed in black leather, stretched his arms above him. He took a couple steps back from the fire and nodded at his companions before swiftly leaving.

Fifteen minutes later another man stood up and left. This continue until only two men remained sitting by the fire. Declan listened to their conversation closely, trying to decide when to move. Finally he heard their discussions begin to quiet down as they settled in to rest.

Declan waited another couple of minutes until he heard soring echoing off the walls. He finally allowed him to open his eyes fully. The two men were stretch out on the ground, and their chests rose and fell in steady patterns.

He pulled his arms back to his sides, careful not to make a sound. Gently he pushed himself off of the ground. He managed to make it into a standing position without disturbing the two men. He took a moment to survey the location.

Dark shadows loomed around him, filling every crevice not touched by the firelight. As far as he could see, though, he was alone with the two men. Cautious, he made his way across the room while staying as close to the shadows as he could. He was nearly at his bow when he felt something grab his shoulder and grip it tightly.

"I see our guest has awakened." The hand pulled Declan's shoulder back roughly.

When he looked back now Declan saw that the man behind him was the one that had first spoken earlier, the man that had been wearing the black leather. Declan looked behind the man to see the rest of the group standing behind him, each with a smug look on their face. This isn't good.

When he remained silent, the leather man spoke again. "Well, this is rude of me. As your host, I guess I should introduce myself. The name is Orelius Stryder. I am now the leader of these fair bandits since you seemed to have killed our previous one." Orelius raised his eyebrows as he crossed his arms. His black hair was spiked, standing at odd angles. His cloudy grey eyes seemed to pierce through Declan and it was as if he could see to his very soul.

Declan scanned the group. Normally he would think he could take on many normal men in battle at once, but these guys looked far from normal. Time for a different approach. "Well." Declan shrugged. "What are you to do when someone attacks you with intent to kill? Can't let them succeed, now, can you? Where would the fun be in that?"

Orelius narrowed his eyes at the man before him. "It seems we have a joker on our hands, boys." He took a step forward and crossed his arms. "And what do we do with jokers?"

Declan took another step back and spread his hands our wide. No weapons drawn yet, that's a good sign. "You let them go with a stern warning? And wish them well on their travels, obviously."

"Ha! So funny. But you see..." Orelius smirked. "I'm not laughing."

Hands grabbed both of Declan's arms, pinning them to his sides. He tried to swivel his head to get a better look at the men behind him but something sharp poked into his head and prevented the movement.

"Such a brave one, I see. Were you going to try to escape without your companions?"

In the split second it took Declan to respond, a million things ran through his mind. If he admitted that Katherine and Rosie were his companions, they could hold it over his head as a threat to comply. Or if Declan denied any connection these men could either dispose to the unneeded hostages or let them go if they were merciful. He hoped it was the latter, and that was the decision he ran with.

"What companions? Are you just as crazy as the stories?" he laughed. Declan grinned at the man before him and relaxed in the others' arms. He needed to eliminate all possibility of attack from. He needed to be a friend, not a foe.

Orelius narrowed his eyes. "What stories are you hearing? None I know of it seems." He stepped close enough that he was only a breath away from Declan. "And it is useless to deny connections with someone you were sleeping beside. You are foolish and, I see, far from loyal as well." He nodded to the men beside Declan and the pulled him backwards roughly.

Declan was manhandled back through the cave and away from the brightly lit cavern. Darkness soon enveloped them as they travelled farther down the tunnel. The rest of the men trailed along behind them and were grinning widely. An eerie feeling ran down Declan's spine as he watched the violent gleam in their eyes. This isn't good.


The Archer (A Tale Of Heroes & Demons Book 1)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें