"Lighten the mood? We have a quest to complete, or have you forgotten? We cannot spare time swimming."

Leaning across the small space between the two riders, Orelius patted Declan on the knee. "Do not worry, Sir Archer. We will defeat the demon." He straightened up and gave Declan a beaming smile. "But that doesn't mean we can't have a little fun while we're at it!"

Once they reached the pool Orelius jumped down and dipped his hands in the water. "Come on, everyone! The water's grand!" He stood up and peeled of his boots and shirt before splashing into the pool.

Rosie followed suite, jumping into the water with a gleeful cry. Their Esquians wandered off around the pool, resting in the calming scene.

Orelius watched the others, and even splashed some water in their direction, urging them forward. He could see then the disapproving glances morph into looks of longing. Almost there. Yes, just a little bit more.

Caedmon was the first to descend. He stripped down and wadded into the water, going further and further until he was treading. He turned and called back to them. "Orelius is right! It feels great!"

With satisfaction Orelius saw as Katherine's resolve crumbled and she joined them. It was only Declan that remained onshore. No matter how much they called to him, he remained astride Midnight.

"Oh, come on archer! You can't tell me that you are having more fun out there?"

"Hurry up so we can continue on!" Declan called back.

Scoffing, Orelius swam closer to the shore and tossed up some water so it sprayed the edge of Declan.

Before the water could reach Declan, however, the world moved.


Rosie screamed. No, no, no, no, no, no, no! She hated earthquakes! She could feel the water as it moved above her head. No matter how hard she kicked the surface stretched further out of reach.

Once the earth fell asleep once more, she could feel strong arms grabbing her around the waist and lifting her up, up, up, until she could release the breath that had been cooped inside.

Gasping, she blinked the water from her eyes enough to see that it was Caedmon that had his arm around her. They made their way towards the shore when the world began to move again.

The grip around her waist tightened and Caedmon was able to keep both of them afloat until they reached the shore where Orelius and Katherine waited.

When Rosie glanced up she was surprised at the concern she saw on Katherine's face. Maybe she was wrong about the woman.

Coughs wracked her body and water spilled from her mouth. Gentle hands rolled her onto her side so she didn't choke. Only when nothing else came up she sat up.

The others were no longer paying attention to her so she took the time to study their expressions. Clearly there was something wrong, but she didn't know what.

Rosie stood and glanced around, trying to see what would have caused the earth to move to forcefully. Seeing nothing, she turned to listen to the conversation taking place before her.

"...Demonica?" It was Katherine that posed the question.

"No...we would know if it was her. This is different." Declan shook his head.

"Then what is it?" Katherine crossed her arms.

Orelius was sitting off to the side, stretched out on the grass. He stood up now and brushed off his clothes. "Whatever it was, I say we get far away from it." He whistled and the Esquians came trotting over. Climbing up, he paused to look at the rest of the group. "Unless, of course, you wish to wait here and find out what was causing the world to shake?"

The Archer (A Tale Of Heroes & Demons Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now