Chapter 9

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Harry's POV

I opened my eyes to see Emma's head resting I top of my chest. And smiled. It had gone quite dark now. But I swear I could hear a buzzing noise.

Unless I was going mad.

I looked over at my clock. 11.39pm wow time seems to go so quick whenever Emma's around.

I carefully slid her sleeping body from my chest and got up to find the source of whatever was making that annoying noise. I looked everywhere.

As I got closer to the coffee table it got louder. And louder. And louder.

Ah found it. I picked up Emma's dress to reveal her mobile. Which was flashing and buzzing. I picked it up and the name flashing across the screen read dad.

Shit. I forgot how long Emma had stayed at mine. And I'm guessing from the amount of missed calls she hasn't told them where she is.

I considered answering but thought against it In case they flip. I know what some parents can be like. So I decided against it, and went to wake up Emma.

"Em." I whispered in her ear.

"Emma." I said a little louder and she began to stirr just as her phone started to buzz again.

"Uhhh what's that noise." She moaned groggily yawning.

"Your phone babe, sorry to wake you but it's your dad and I-"

"Shit!!" She said sitting up suddenly more alert cutting me off mid sentence and grabbing the phone from my grasp.

She quickly swiped across her screen and put the phone to her ear.

"EMMA!" I heard a loud voice boom down the phone and she flinched away slightly.

"Yes-s dad." She stuttered nervously.

"WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU." Jesus I could hear clearly enough as if he was on speaker phone.

"I-I'm at Jess's dad, my phone died sor-" she lied. But he cut her off.

"BULLSHIT! You little liar! I've just called Jess and she said she hasn't seen you since yesterday!!" He yelled at her.

She seemed to look defeated already. Worry filled her usually bright blue eyes.

"I-I've been out shopping and my phone-"

"DONT YOU DARE LIE TO ME YOU STUPID GIRL! You know how I get when I'm stressed with work Emma! And don't even get me started on your mother!" He yelled again. I swear if he doesn't stop screaming at her like that I'll grab that damn phone and set him straight.

"I-I'm sorry, I'll come home now." She muttered weakly.

"TOO RIGHT YOU WILL! Hurry up!" He shouted and ended the call. And Emma dropped her phone in her lap and let out a large defeated sigh.

"Are you okay?" I asked sitting down next to her pulling her closer to me. And she leaned against my chest.

"I have to go now harry, I'm sorry." She said weakly.

"You don't have to appologise. I'll see you tomorrow then." I smiled kissing the top of her head.

And I got up as she did and followed her out into my kitchen, she grabbed her dress bag and shoes and made her way to the door.

"Shit" she suddenly said flying her hands up in to the air.

"What's wrong?"I asked puzzled at her sudden outburst.

"I've got no clothes on apart from your t-shirt." She said sighing.

"Oh. Um. Why don't you put your dress back on?"

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