Chapter 4

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Emma's POV

ah my neck. I thought as my mind caught up with itself. As I opened my eyes I noticed I was still sat on the sofa. But now harry had gone, the tv was off and it was pitch black all apart from a small table lamp that had been switched on.

What time was it? I thought as I sat up. I don't even remember falling asleep.

I got my phone out of my bag and checked the time.

2.40 am.

Oh wonderful. Where was I supposed to sleep now? Should I stay on the sofa? Should I go to the spare room? I can't even remember which one it was. don't even remember what I was doing before I fell asleep.

I looked around the dimly lit apartment and sat admiring all the walls, furniture, even the coffee table.

Oh. Harry's top, that's what I was doing waiting for. harry.

I remember now he had gone to find me one of his tops to borrow. I decided to change into it seen as this dress was cutting into my sides. I quickly stripped off and pulled his top over my head.

It felt strangely, comforting, like it just fit perfect to me. It was about 5 sizes to big, but that's what was good about it. A plain black T-shirt. Typically harry. It carelessly dangled just below my hips.

I folded up my dress and placed it on to the table. And decided I'd go and find the spare room. I came to the first door. I opened it and switched the light on. Nope just the bathroom. I closed the door and went to the next room.

I knew this was either Harry's room or the spare room so just in case I lightly tapped on the door. I got no answer. I slowly opened the and peered in but I couldn't see anything. So I switched on the light.


I stared in amazement at the room. It looked completely different to the rest of the bright white modern house. This room had a much more mellow setting. The walls were painted a deep shade of red and there was a large tv mounted on the wall along with a big wooden desk and a brown leather sofa. And along the far wall was a built in bookcase that covered at least half of the wall. I then noticed the Celling, how it glowed and sparkled, like glitter had been thrown over it. It looked amazing. Like it was a starry night sky.

I heard a low drowsy grumble and didn't even realise the huge double bed in the corner of the room. There lay harry.

This was his room. Wow. I don't understand why he wouldn't show me this? His room was amazing.

Shit. His room. I'm in his room with all the lights blaring away. oh well It didn't seem to bother him. As I looked over at his sleeping body. I wonder how someone like him could like a room like this? I defiantly wouldn't of pictured this to be his kind of style? At all.

As I looked at him. I noticed his tattoo filled chest, loads of delicate squiggles all formed into a different picture. As I studied his body, I began to notice how beautiful he was, his abs were toned and his biceps were huge. His hair fell in a mess across one side of his face, and his lips were parted, his brows slightly furrowed and his breathing was slow and heavy. Wow. He was actually beautiful.

What was I doing. I'm stood in Harry's room, the school 'phsyco', admiring his extremely hot body, stood In nothing but his t-shirt, with all the lights on, at 2 in the morning, in his apartment.

I quickly got my self back in to reality and switched off the light and headed towards the door. Tripping up over something on the floor.

"Oww. Shit." I wailed as my toe bent backwards.

"Ughh what the hell!" Harry shouted groggily, his raspy voice deep and thick. Oops. Id woken him up. Great. Well this is abit awkward.

"Uh... Sorry. I came in the wrong room." I stuttered making my way back to the light switch and turning it on.

"Ahhh! Shit Turn it off you idiot!" He snapped as he screwed his eye shut.

"Oh sorry!" I said quickly switching it off. And the room went dark again. There was a shuffling noise then a lamp turned on. The room went bright again but not as bright as before.

"Why are you in here! No one comes in here! I thought I told you that!" He snapped adjusting his eyes to the light.

"I'm sorry I fell asleep on the sofa and I couldn't remember which room you said was the spare room." I said looking down at the floor picking at the hem of his shirt at the bottom.

His shirt. Shit, I'm waring nothing but his top. Well this is a bit awakward.

"Ugh, fine I'll show you- actually you know what just crash on my floor, you might As well you've seen my room now anyway." He sighed.

"Okay. I said closing the door and stepping in to the light.

"Your rooms amazing by the way, I would of never pictured you to be in to all of this. It's awesome!" I smiled. Once again looking around the room.

When he didn't answer I looked back at him. Oh great. He was sat up staring at my half naked body. Well now I felt awkward.

I coughed awkwardly getting his attention.

"Oh shit sorry. You just.. Never mind." He said blushing. Obviously embarrassed by me catching him out.

"No, what tell me." I pressed. I wanted to know.

"No, it doesn't matter!"

"Tell me!" I ordered sternly.

"Ugh fine! I was just thinking how god dammed hot you in my t-shirt." He said embarrassedly throwing me a pillow and a handful of blankets

"Okay.. thanks" I blushed placing the pillow and blanket onto the floor and laying down as he did the same.

"Sorry." He apologised.

"It's fine. It's nice to know at least one person thinks I'm kind of hot." I sighed.

"What! Your like smoking hot!" He said and I could just picture his face right now.

"Umm.. I mean. Your very nice" he said shyly.

"Thank you for that harry" I said sarcastically, laughing. And he joined in.

After around 10 minutes or so harry finally fell back to sleep as I lay awkwardly on his bedroom floor.


(I'm going to be doing a double update today hopefully! Hope you like the chapter! Please don't forget to vote! Ily all!)

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