"Actually, that isn't a bad idea," Ussop commented, rubbing his chin in thought, "We get enough rain that it would wash away before any of the villagers would notice it was there."

"Wouldn't that hurt the environment?" I inquired, "I know oil is bad for sea creatures, and it would contaminant the village's water supply."

"Not the oil we're going to be using," Ussop assured with a grin, "The oil we're going to be using has something in it that breaks down the oil once it gets wet, so the oil will turn into water."

"The most annoying thing for bad guys and it's also eco-friendly," I smirked, high-fiving Ussop, "I like it."

"I know right," Ussop boasted, nose high up in the air, hands on his hips, "I actually invented this oil and I made sure to test it out by putting the oil in a pan and pouring water on it."

"No way," Nami marveled in awe, walking over to us, "That's amazing Ussop."

"I don't really get it," Luffy grinned, coming over to us, "But this mystery oil sounds awesome."

"This sounds easy enough," Zoro smirked walking over to us, "So are we going to fight or not?"

"Talking about it is easy but victory depends on our strength," Ussop commented, looking up at all of us, "What can you guys do?"

"I cut." Zoro smirked, hands on his swords' hilts.

"I slice." I smirked as well, putting my hand on my Green Dragon necklace (Shadow made me put the green hip bag on before we landed).

"I stretch." Luffy grinned, holding his arm out in front of him.

"I transform." Shadow smirked from my shoulders (she's back in her Artic Fox form, since we don't want Kuro and his men to find out about Shadow)

"I steal." Nami informed with a smirk.

"I hide." Ussop gulped, scared about fighting, only to have Zoro, Luffy, Nami, and me punch him on the head (Shadow just bared her teeth at him as she yelled)

"YOU'RE GOING TO FIGHT TOO USSOP!" Zoro, Luffy, Nami, and I fumed, punching Ussop on the head, with bared teeth.

"It was just a joke." Ussop grumbled, huge bumps forming on his head.

"It wasn't a very good one." Zoro and Luffy glared.

"Hey Ussop?" I called, interrupting Luffy and Ussop's fight (they were pulling each other's hair and Ussop was stretching Luffy's cheek, plus they were kicking and punching each other, Zoro was getting huge tick marks on his forehead because he had picked them up by the back of their shirts and they were attempting to kick each other even though Zoro had them both in each of his hands), "Do you mind if I make a few additions to your plan?"

"What are you thinking, Ivy?" Nami inquired, walking over to me, with the others coming behind her.

"I already know that those pirates are going to be coming from the North shore," I attested, searching for them with my Observation Haki (plus that's the shore they came from in the anime), "We'll still put the oil on the slope, but I want to lay Ussop's Cowdrops on the ground as well, in case some of them get past the oil."

"That's a great plan," Ussop began with a grin, "But how do you know for sure that they'll be entering from the North Shore instead of this one?"

"Remember when I told you that I watched episodes of you guys back in the "normal world"?" I reminded Ussop with a smirk, "That's how I know, well that and I used Observation Haki and spotted them out in the sea a few yards out from the North Shore."

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