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Nani 👁‍🗨

"He's so cute" I said taking Keon from Giana. I went to pick up gi gi so we could go see Deon.

"And he's bad Asl" she said

"Stop it" I said sticking out my bottom lip.

"Whatever" I put him in his car seat and he strapped him in. We grabbed something quick and got on the road.


"We're here for Deon Johnson" I said

"All three of ya's" the security said Looking on a computer.

"Yes" I told her

"Well we only have space for two of you" she said

"It's fine. Then two can go" Giana said

"What? No you-"

"Go. I want him to see you and Keon. I'll wait in the car" she said walking out the doors. I sighed and signed in and they checked us three times just to make sure. We were walked to a visitor area where it looked nice. It had a tv, vending machines, couches. It was pretty nice. My shoulder was tapped and I turned around quick as hell. Just to see Deon standing there. I sat Keon down And hugged him so tightly. Well as tightly as I could with this stomach

"Look at that stomach" he said smirking and grabbing my butt. He pulled away and sat down

"She needs to come out already she's heavy" I told him.

"Hey little man" Deon said to Keon who was just staring. He reached for him and Deon grabbed him and played with him.

"Results?" He asked.

"98.99% The Father" I whispered. He smiled a little.

"Time to be a man" he said

"I miss you" I said tearing up.

"Stop princess" he said grabbing my hand.

"Okay. Any updates?" I asked.

"Yeah. I should be home in time for Christmas"

"So You won't be here for thanksgiving" I said a little sad

"No im gonna try for Christmas. My court date is set for two weeks. But it's a private verdict" he told me.

"Oh" I said. We stayed for a bit longer before he had to go back and Keon got cranky.

"How Was is it?" Giana asked when I opened the door to strap Keon in.

"Good. Court date in a few weeks though" I told her. She nodded.

"Your phones ringing" she said handing me my phone.

"Hello?" I answered closing the door.

"Nani. Come to the hospital quick" I heard my aunt ida say sounding distraught.

"What's going on?" I asked her

"Just hurry" she said hanging up.

"Everything Okay?" Giana asked me

"I think it has something to do with my grandmother" I let out a sigh.

"Take the back way we'll be there in 45 minutes tops" we switched seats and she sped to the hospital.

"I'll call you when I'm ready to get picked up" I said getting out

"Call me if you need anything" she said pulling off. I walked into the waiting room
And everyone was crying and hugging Eachother.

"Mom what's going on" I ran to her

"She's gone" my mom said breaking down.

"No your lying" I said loosing my breath. I got light headed and sat down.

"Nani what's going on" Brian said walking in

"Nana. She's gone" I said breaking down. My love is gone. I can't believe this. She. Was who I had when no one else had me. She was my Bestfriend. I walked to her room and saw all the wires gone. All the machines gone. her eyes were closed but she was smiling.

"Nana it's me. Nani. Why'd you leave me nana? I miss you already my queen. I wish you could've met Leilani. I knew she'd probably love you like I do. nana wake up. I need you." I wiped my eyes and kissed her cheek.

"I love you nana. I love you so much. And I'm
Gonna make you proud" I said touching her cold face. I talked to her and didn't move.

"Come on Nani. It's 3 in the morning you need some rest" Giana said shaking me. I guess I fell asleep in the chair

"I don't wanna rest. I want my grandmother" I said crying all over again.

"You're gonna be good Nani. She wouldn't want you to be crying" I nodded and frowned getting out the chair. I miss her already

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