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I've been really patient with deon. He is supposed to belong to me. But hey there's plenty of fish in the sea....DEON IS MY FISH.

"Why do you look so angry?" Salandra asked.

"Deon is supposed to be my fish and someone else caught him"

She kissed her teeth and walked out the room. I need my fish and I'm not stopping till I catch my fish.

Zyair 🥁

I was playing in Lias hair. She had a real bad headache and fever.

"Is she okay?" My grandmother whispered walking in. I nodded and she sat in a chair next to my bed.

"You know I want you and Giovanni to get it together " she said

"Nah ma. He did some fucked up shit." I shook my head.

"Watch yo' mouth boy. N' I know it was but y'all are brothas. And y'all mother wouldn't wanna see y'all like this."

I kissed my teeth. That lady rather shoot Up some heroine than take care of us. I hate that bitch. Her name is plain ole Olivia to me. Not mommy not ma, mama, mom mother. NO None of that.

"I'll forgive Giovanni when I feel like it" I shrugged my shoulders.

"Your grandmas right" I heard a soft voice say. I looked down and Lia was opening her eyes shifting. I let out a loud sigh.


"Come on zy lets go to the basketball court" Giovanni tried to coax me.

"It's dark. And grandma said to be in and stay in when the street lights come on" I told him. Zyair is my fraternal twin brother born minutes apart and yes I am the oldest.

"You're 14 why do you care what grandma says anymore" he laughed and grabbed his basketball.

"You're gonna get in trouble" I said as he started to walk out the apartment door.

"Who's gonna tell?" He turned around

"I'm just saying when grandma finds out you're Getting in trouble" I said catching up to him.

"Looks like you are too" he pointed to the house door which locked automatically. I quickly ran back down the hall to catch it before it closed all the way. But of course that didn't work.

Well I ended up at the park with Giovanni and it was boring. He was playing ball with the older boys and I was just watching. These other boys my age came over and began to pick on Giovanni. I ran to his defense.

"Move bro. He was talking hella shit and now he gone get that ass tapped" one of the boys I recognized from school said

"That wasn't me. That was...uh... him"he said pointing to me.

"ME!" I yelled. They immediately started punching and kicking me. I Fought back whooping them out. I looked to the sidelines searching for Giovanni but he was running out the park. I got up as quick as I could and ran towards my grandmas apartment. The pain began to intense the faster I ran but those boys were hot on my heels. I ran into the apartment lobby punching in the code. But it wouldn't work. I saw the boys get closer and I kept trying and it worked. I ran straight to the elevators pressing button 9. The doors took forever to close and these niggas made it the building too. The doors closed before they could get too close and I immediately sat down catching my breath. I limped down the hall and picked the lock. My nana was on the couch watching tv.

"Where yo ass- What Happened to your face?" She asked. I made up some lie to protect Giovanni cause she would've spanked him. She bought it....I think, and cleaned up my face and legs. But I eventually told her the truth cause I ain't no pussy nigga.

End of flashback

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