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"That's your boyfriend in there?" This detective asked circling me. I just stared at him.

"I see you don't like to talk. We'll listen here either you speak or you and your boyfriend do some time for his murder" he yelled getting in my face.

"First off detective chlamydia. Get the fuck out my face."

"It's Charles" he corrected me

"Whatever Cheesecake. Anyway Second of all I'm 6 months pregnant and it is my right to not be handcuffed to this table. Third of all he's not my boyfriend he's my cousin and he was dropping me off at my aunts house. Now I'm not Saying anything else until I get my one phone call and my damn lawyer" I said calmly. He chuckled and walked out and another cop walked in.

"Listen you and I both know you don't wanna raise a baby in jail-"

"Get My lawyer now. Or I will have my uncle in here in 2.5 seconds and since he's the head of this shit I will have this shit shut down" I said through clenched teeth. He too laughed and walked out. I kindly took a bobby pin out my hair and strategically unlocked the handcuffs sending a text to my mother and my uncle. Within 20 minutes I heard yelling and screaming realizing it was my mother.

"Come on baby. You're coming home" my uncle George said walking in the room.

"Wait what about Deon." I said getting up

"We're working on that" my mom said

"I wanna see him" I said turning to my uncle George. He walked over and cursed some guy out and then told me to follow him to a room. He opened the doors and Deon sat there staring at the wall. I ran to him and hugged him.

"Please Deon I want you to come home with Me" I said crying on his shoulder.

"Listen princess, I want you to be strong. I'll be out of here in no time I promise. I know the connects in here baby. I'll talk to you every night. Stop crying" he said rubbing my back. I nodded and wiped my face.

"Reach in my pockets. The cross is for Keon and the bracelets for lei lei" I did as told and slid them in my purse.

"Come on Nani" my mom said grabbing my arm. I fought a little while still holding on to Deon. I gave up when my uncle George picked me up.

"I love you" I said.

"I love you guys more" he said blowing me a kiss. I walked out and one of the cops cuffed him again and walked him away. He mouthed I love you once more and I blew him a kiss and waved.

Next Morning 🌤

"He's gonna be fine" Kay said playyin my hair. I couldn't sleep last night at all. I even wore one of deons jackets to sleep. I just cried and cried all night long. We talked for 20 minutes last night and he said he'd call me in the morning, but I haven't gotten a call yet.

"I miss him like crazy" I said crying again

"Stop Nani. He's gonna be okay. I promise. My cousin a smart ass nigga." She told me. Leilani kicked me and I rubbed my stomach gently. Kay handed me my phone with a unknown number

"Hello" I answered

"You have a collect call from: Deon Johnson From Sacramento County Jail. Do you wish to accept"

"Yes. Yes I do" I heard a click and Deons voice. I was super excited and happier.

"Goodmorning babies" he said sounding tired.

"Goodmorning love" I said cheesing like he could see me.

"Hey cousin" Kay yelled

"Wassup" he laughed. We talked about his first night there and he hates it. But he hasn't seen his lawyer yet. She should be there within a few days or in a week or so. We talked for a bit longer and then he had to go. I was going to visit him next week.

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