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Giana 🙌 (in mm)

I held Keon on my lap as we sat on the bus waiting for our stop near doctors office. He was asleep in my arms sucking his pacifier. Every night for the past week I've had him, I've been loving every moment of it. His light snores, bathing him, even changing diapers. I waited for the bus to the stop and I cautiously stepped off strapping ke into his stroller. It was a little walk from the bus stop. We checked in and waited for the nurse. I sat on the other side of Nani and she played with Keon while Deon gave me dirty looks the whole time.

"Johnson and Bryant?" A short Asian women called. I stood up with Keon and Deon and Nani stood up too. She took us to a room in the back and we all were seated.

"Open" she said to Deon and swabbed his mouth. And did the same to Keon. She put the q-tips in a tube and walked out the room. She came back with a pamphlet.

"You'll get the results within a few days. I'll send them to both parties houses" she said. We nodded.

"You need a ride?" Nani asked as we walked out the building

"No" Deon mumbled. She smacked him in the back of his head

"No it's fine the bus comes in a few minutes anyway" I said strapping Keon in his stroller.

"Get in the front" she said popping the trunk. I took Keon out and she put the stroller on the trunk. She pulled off once my seatbelt was on.

"I really appreciate this" I told her. I heard Deon kiss his teeth. Nani mugged his through the rear view mirror.

"No problem. Where do I turn now" she asked. I pointed and she pulled up in front of my aunts house.

"Thanks again" I said grabbing Keon and walking towards the front door. I waved and she pulled off.

"Giana that you?" My aunt called

"Yeah TT"

"Come here" she said

"Yeah?" I said laying Keon on the couch.

"Well one why is he here? And two you gotta get out within the next two weeks. That's too many mouths to feed now. You and Alexis. My boyfriend and his two kids are coming to stay with me and I need space." She said

"Cause he's my son and I'll be out within a few days. Don't worry about us" I said picking up ke.

"Whore" I heard her mumble.

"First of all if anyone is a whore it's you. How was abortions you had? It's a cemetery between them fat ass thighs. Stop saying shit. You don't know nothing about. This my first and only kid. So please get off my dick" I said walking to my room. I bathed Keon and sat him in his rocker. He was making noises at the tv. I looked up some used cars in the area cause I needed one badly. I found one that fit my price range and called on it. I can go see it tomorrow. That's better for me since I have to work tomorrow night. Maybe Alexis can watch him for me.

Rochelle 👽

My mom still hasn't awoke from her coma yet so between work I've been at the hospital as long as possible. My brother sister and I have been rotating in case she awakes. Lorine Erica Christine and Chrystal have been coming with me when they could. I've been at home a lot sleeping. I pray everyday and every night yet nothing seems to change. Nothing

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