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Crystal (Deon's Mom)

"Hey mom to be" I said kissing Kiani's

"Hey" she said stepping aside then closing the door. I hugged Rochelle and sat next to her.

"What the hell are you eating?" Lorine asked Nani.

"A hot cheetoh chocolate sundae" Ivy said.

"Want some?" Nani asked.

"Hell no" Rochelle told her

"You spoke to Deon?" I asked her.

"Yeah like last week" she said I nodded my head.

"This Sunday im making a big dinner" Erica said

"That makes me wanna cry" Nani said laughing.

"When are you due?" Lorine Asked

"Around Christmas" Nani said rubbing her stomach.

"Would you like a baby shower?" Rochelle Asked her.

"Yeah. When I find out the gender" Nani said.

"You Have themes in mind?" ivy asked. Nani shook her head no. I hung out at their place for a little bit before heading back home. I sure do miss my deon. I went up to his room and opened his door. It was the exact same way he left it. I wiped a tear that fell from my eye and closed his bedroom door.

"Everything Okay?" I heard a voice behind me Ask. I turned around and it was deon.

"Oh baby I missed you" I said kissing his face. He chuckled.  Kissing my cheek.

"You hungry?" I Asked turning on the oven.  He nodded his head yes.

"I'll make some Pork chops and Baked Potatoes and Macaroni and cheese" I told him.

"Okay I'll be back down. I need a shower" he said going upstairs.


"How's the baby" I asked Nani. I had a cold and I wasn't able to go see her like I wanted too. So we've been on FaceTime most of the day.

"Good." She sighed. "I'm just gaining so much weight"

"That's a part of it Babes." I told her.

"I know. I know" she said.

"What are you hoping for?" I asked her. I hope for a boy ivy wants a girl lia wants a girl.

"I don't know. Whatever god puts in there I'm fine with that" she said smiling. "How You feeling?"

"Somewhat better. I want something other than soup" I told her.

"I'll bring you something. What you want?" She asked.

"Anything. I'm starving" i said fake crying.

"Okay I'm on my way" she said hanging up.

"I'm going to the store you want something" my mom asked poking her head in my room.

"Snacks. And lots of snacks" I told her. She laughed and I heard the downstairs door close. Nani came in an hour later with 3 McDonald's bag.

"What did you get?" I asked sitting up.

"Two twenty piece a large fry a Carmel frappe Two Mchickens A Cheeseburger And Two Apple Pies. Some For Now And some for later" she sat on my bed.

"Thanks bitch" I said eating my food.

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