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"You Got a boyfriend?" My dad asked. We were at the pizza shop we used to go to all the time when I was younger.

"No." I Said biting my slice. He raised an eyebrow at me.

"What? I Don't" I said

"I was thinking we could go to the mall and You Can max out my credit card" he said Laughing.

"If You Think material things are gonna make me feel better, You Can forget about it" I told him. He looked up for a second and nodded.

"You Still wanna go shopping, don't you?" He asked. I nodded smiling. Maybe he's not so bad a dad.


"What we Boutta do" Gio Asked taking out a joint.

"Nigga put that Shit up my mom Sleep" I said.

"A nigga Like Me Hungry" zyair said rubbing his stomach

"Chipotle?" Gio asked

"That Shit Gay" Brian said

"How Nigga?" I asked him

"Chipotle is my Life" zyair said mocking the little boy

"I Honestly Don't Care. We going?" Gio asked.

"Ma I'm going to chipotle" I yelled walking out the house. We Got in Brian car and drove to the nearest chipotle.

"Hi briannn" we heard an annoying ass voice say. I already knew who it was just by the pitch.

"What Priscilla?" Brian asked

"I Miss You " she said rubbing on his arm.

"Cool" he told her.

"You Don't Miss Me!" She yelled causing everyone to stare.

"Nah Listen we Tryna have a nice lunch and your ratchet ass wanna come over here yelling. Go back over there with your Hoe ass Friends" zyair told her. She looked at him and rolled her eyes.

"You Gonna let him talk to me like that?" She asked Brian Fake pouting.

"You Ain't My Girl" he Said with a Mouth full of chips.

"But this baby is yours" she said smirking walking away.

"Nigga really?" I Asked him.

"No Man. It was one time and I wrapped it up. I told y'all this" he said. Zyair just shook his head.

"You better hope it's not. Cause her and her ugly ass Friends annoying" gio said.

"How you and Nani?" Zyair Asked Me.

"Good. Getting there slowly" I told them.

"That's good. You better treat my cous- Sister Right" Brian said Laughing.

"I will Nigga" I told him.

Nani 🤢

I decided to take a trip and see my grandmother. She was pretty old you Know so I Try to spend as much time with her as I can.

"You Hungry Noonie" she asked. She's always called me noonie. That's a name only she can call me. And everyone has a nickname for me. Some are definitely weirder than others.

"I'm starving" I told her Going in the kitchen.

"I Made your favorite" she said taking out a pan of Lasanga. My eyes lit up and I grabbed a plate taking a piece.

"Be careful noonie. It's hot" she said laughing.

"Yes Nanna" I said Not Tryna be so greedy.

"You Eat like your pregnant " my Nanna said Laughing. I guess cause this was my 3rd helping. I placed my plate down and chuckled wiping my mouth.

"No Just really hungry" I told her Going in the kitchen and washing my plate off.

"You seeing anyone" she said sipping her green tea. All she would drink and eat a small portion of What ever she made. Nanna is 84. So yeah she had kids pretty late.

"Deon. Remember him" I asked

"Ahh yes. I remember him. You were in love with him since you laid an eye on him" she smiled. I blushed remembering the days Me and him first started talking. My uncle George walked in and I realized it was almost 11.

"Hi Nookie" he said Kissing my forehead. My uncle George is the oldest of my Nanna's kids. Then my Aunt Gwen, Aunt Ida Then My Mom making him the only boy.

"Hey uncle G" I said smiling.

"You getting ready to leave?" He asked. I nodded yes Getting of the couch. He handed me a card kissed my cheek then went upstairs to my room.

"Let Me walk you out." My Nanna said. I grabbed my basket of warm chocolate chip cookies and walked to the door. I gave Nanna a hug and kiss and got in the car. I waved before pulling off.

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