BOOK 2?!

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Well this is gonna be a short message but basically, if anyone is interested in the second book to this short story then leave a comment because well, I've had the urge to start writing it ^.^ I'll be posting a sneak peak here in the next two weeks and see how that goes. If all is good then you'll have another story going ^.^ It won't be completely connected to this book but obviously it'll have the characters, the main ones :D

So yeah, let me know if you're still interested in it :D

The title will be: 

Playing With A HeartBreaker

I'm sorry about the time that's gone past but I sorta had to shift my focus onto other things. Anyway, I'm back on the hype of this story and hopefully the writing skill will be better in the second book so you might enjoy it even more for those fans out there ;D

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