Maybe I'm Already Falling...

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Maybe I'm Already Falling....

"Ugh," I groaned into my pillow as I gripped the sides, my head racing and throbbing as my eyes refused to open yet Tina wouldn't stop yanking at my ankles trying to pull out from the bed. "Leave me alone, I want to die."

"That's sweet. Now come on! Get your ass up! It's five already!"

"Five what?"

"Five in the MORNING!"

"what?!" I yelled rolling over onto my back and sitting up frowning at Tina as she smirked. "Why are you waking me up at this time?!"

"Because we're all going out, so get up and get dressed."


"Oh shut up and get dressed." Before I could get another word in, Tina had left the room and I was looking around the reather large room with my eyes wide open before slapping my hand against my forehead and moaning as I jumped off the bed and made my way towards the suitcase on the floor.

God what happened?

Ok, I can gather I got drunk...and then...Austin carried me up and then-

My thoughts cut off, my eyes wide again and my heart suddenly stopping in my chest as everything became as clear as a picture. I MADE A MOVE ON MY BEST FRIEND!

Silently cursing at myself, I fell back on the floor and pulled my knees to my chest. What the hell came over me?! Was I naturally stupid?! Oh god! Kill me...please?

Sadly though...I was still alive.

Wait! He thinks I won't remember! Then I'll just act like I dont!

Without another word, I got changed and rushed down stairs to see everyone sitting on the couch, Bailey was counting her money as Sam picked at the side table trying to keep his eyes open. Tina was slapping Austin over and over again until he woke up and I was just standing at the bottom of the stairs smirking at his tired expression as he ran his hand through his shaggy hair.

"I'm tired...what do you want?" He groaned sitting forwards and placing his elbows on his knees.

"We're going out." Tina announced with a smirk wide on her lips as she almost jumped up and down on the couch. Looks like I wan't the only one NOT to know of this....going out plan.

It was stupid, I have a headache and it's unhuman to be up at this time!

"Why? Where are we going?" Austin groaned as he stood trying to keep his temper under control...he looked...bugged? Well I can't blame him, I played with him, his feelings it was wrong but hell...I'm not gonna let him know that I remember! That would just be too embarrasing.


"Beach?! At this time? Are you CRAZY!?!" I yelled as I rushed towards Tina and grabbed her shoulder shaking her over and over hoping to knock sense into her, but it only ended up with me being thrown down onto the couch near Sam and Austin staring straight at me, his face blank but his eyes telling another story.

Ok act normal, act normal, act normal....and I look away blushing.

Great way to act normal you idiot!

I mentally scolded myself and by the look on his face that I caught from the corner of my eyes which was a smirk play on his lips, he knew I remembered everything. I mentally cried, yes, I mentally curled up and beat myself senless.

"What kinda people go to the beach at this time?" Bailey asked yawning.

"Well, it's nice and cool and we want a good spot. Come on, trust me, It'll be worth it. Everyone change into your swim suits!"

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