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Owner @jayXnami

"The sun may have faltered, but look to one of each kind to set it right."
~ Brightwing to Goldenstar in Tensions Rising

Current: ThunderClan

Past Names
Kit: Brightkit
Apprentice: Brightpaw
Medicine Cat: Brightwing

Mother: Sparrowtail
Father: Thrushfur
Sister: Berryshine
Brother: Tawnytail

Mentor: Dapplefoot

Medicine Cat Position
Preceded by: Dapplefoot

Book Appearances
Living: Tensions Rising

Physical Appearance
Brightwing is a light ginger she-cat with small, darker flecks and mossy green eyes.

As an apprentice, Brightwing was mentored by Dapplefoot for 10 moons, until Dapplefoot eventually died of greencough. Two moons later, Brightwing was still shaken, and after receiving Goldenfeather's prophecy, Brightwing was still uneasy.

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