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Owner @FrostheartOfRainClan

"I hate you! I can't believe that your my father! I can see now why Mother left you!"
~ Minnowdash to Rowanwind in Minnow's Dash

Current: JayClan
Past: WindClan

Past Names
Kit: Minnowkit
Apprentice: Minnowpaw
Warrior: Minnowdash

Mother: Tinyfeather
Father: Rowanwind
Sister: Harepaw
Brother: Berrystar
Mate: Hollyfoot
Sons: Lightkit, Crowkit
Daughter: Squirrelkit

Mentor: Echoflame
Apprentice: Waveleap

Book Apperances
Living: Pastel Hearts, Minnow's Dash, Four Prophecies

Physical Appearance
Minnowdash is a light gray tom with barely visible gray tabby markings and clear silver eyes.

Born to Tinyfeather and Rowanwind, Minnowdash was the tallest kit in the nursery. Sadly, when he and his siblings were 3 moons, their sister, Harekit, passed due to an unknown disease. Minnowdash had a rather normal apprenticehood but some strange things happened, such as, Crowfeather and Leafpool running away and creating JayClan, Crowfeather taking Minnowdash to the Moonstone for his nine lives ceremony, leaving WindClan to join JayClan, and many other things. Once he joined JayClan he met Hollypaw, later Hollyfoot, and they became quite close, they even sat vigil together.

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