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Owner @Maplestar_seaclan

"What do you think you're doing on our territory, young one?"
~ Whisperstone to a lost kit in Frostbird's Scar [Unpublished]

Current: GroveClan

Past Names
Kit: Whisperkit
Apprentice: Whisperpaw
Warrior: Whispershadow

Mother: Darkbranch
Father: Mudsmoke

Mentor: Lionfern

Book Appearances
Living: Frostbird's Scar

Physical Appearance
Whispershadow is a white she-cat with black stripes and grey stripes, green eyes.

Whisperkit was born to Darkbranch and Mudsmoke. Whisperkit made lots of friends in her Clan. Whisperpaw was made a apprentice in late leaf-bare. When she was an apprentice, foxes attacked the camp, and she almost perished because the fox had her gripped in its jaws. Whisperpaw passed her assessment with flying colours and received her warrior name, Whispershadow, for her strategy of hunting in the shadows.

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