
155 12 0

Owner @twentyoneproblems

"He's not your grandfather, Larkkit, he's lying to you"
~ Featherscratch to Larkkit in Larksong's Purpose

Past: SunClan
Current: StarClan

Past Names
Kit: Featherkit
Apprentice: Featherpaw
Medicine Cat: Featherscratch

Age at Death
38 moons

Cause of Death
Infected wound

Residence of Death

Mother: Petaldrop
Father: Rabbitrunner
Brothers: Finchflight and Ice-eyes
Mate: N/A
Kits: N/A

Mentor: Stumpytail
Apprentice: Rosepaw

Medicine Cat
Preceded By: Stumpytail
Succeeded By: Brackentooth

Book Appearances
Living: Larksong's Purpose

Physical Appearance
Featherscratch is a large, silver tabby she-cat with one shrouded blue eye. A large, infected scratch covers half of her face, leaving half of her other eye, which is white and sightless.

Featherkit never saw herself as a warrior, even as a kit. While her brothers dreamt of fighting the troublesome RainClan, she felt disgusted by the concept of angry bloodshed and found comfort in medicine. She was a dedicated medicine cat, learnt well from her mentor, until he passed away from old age. He'd had an apprentice before her, and they'd died before they received their full name. Featherpaw tried her hardest to prove herself to the Clan as she worried for their health, but a scrap with a dog left her with half an eye and a large scratch across half of her face. Days later, with no other knowledgeable cat to save her, she died from an infection in her wound. She took Rosepaw under her wing when she joined StarClan, aged 4 moons, by a fox's and her brothers' (accidentally) doing, and has formed a wonderful bond ever since.

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