
222 17 1

Owner @The_Warrior_Writer

"They're right, I'm pathetic."
~Cloud to herself about her tribe mates

Current: Rogue
Past: Tribe of Feathered Aileron

Past Names
Kit: Cloud
Outcast: Cloud
Rouge: Cloud

Mother: Ora
Adoptive Father: Snake
Father: Stormy
Sisters: Blaze, Storm

Book Appearances
Living: Wingless

Physical Description
Cloud is a dark gray she-cat with lighter grey patterns across her fur. She also has icy blue eyes.

Cloud was born wingless to a mother with wings. Her two sisters were born with wings. Her tribe hated wingless cats, but since her mother's mate's brother was the leader, she was able to get to live till her sixth moon, then she was going to be killed. Her sisters and mother helped her escape before she was killed, and she met up with a tom named Spirit. He now takes care of her with Snow and Midnight who are her two friends.

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